[Mono-list] Test for SqlMoney
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:25:58 +0300
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There was a litle typo (my gues), in msdn docs. MSDN says that public fie=
MaxValue =3D 922,337,203,685,475.5807
The other page of MSDN says that SqlMoney Maximum value is=20
922,337,203,685,477.5807. =20
Tests approve thath MaxValue is 922,337,203,685,477.5807.
=2E..And here is the test class.
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SqlMoneyTest.cs"
// SqlMoneyTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney
// Ville Palo (vi64pa@koti.soon.fi)
// (C) Ville Palo 2002
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
namespace MonoTests.System.Data.SqlTypes
public class SqlMoneyTest : TestCase {
private SqlMoney Test1;
private SqlMoney Test2;
private SqlMoney Test3;
private SqlMoney Test4;
public SqlMoneyTest() : base ("System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney") {}
public SqlMoneyTest(string name) : base(name) {}
protected override void TearDown() {}
protected override void SetUp()
Test1 = new SqlMoney (6464.6464d);
Test2 = new SqlMoney (90000.0m);
Test3 = new SqlMoney (90000.0m);
Test4 = new SqlMoney (-45000.0m);
public static ITest Suite {
get {
return new TestSuite(typeof(SqlMoney));
// Test constructor
public void TestCreate()
try {
SqlMoney Test = new SqlMoney (1000000000000000m);
Fail ("#B01");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#A02", typeof (OverflowException),
e.GetType ());
SqlMoney CreationTest = new SqlMoney ((decimal)913.3);
AssertEquals ("A03", 913.3m, CreationTest.Value);
try {
SqlMoney Test = new SqlMoney (1e200);
Fail ("#B04");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#A05", typeof (OverflowException),
e.GetType ());
SqlMoney CreationTest2 = new SqlMoney ((double)913.3);
AssertEquals ("A06", 913.3m, CreationTest2.Value);
SqlMoney CreationTest3 = new SqlMoney ((int)913);
AssertEquals ("A07", 913m, CreationTest3.Value);
SqlMoney CreationTest4 = new SqlMoney ((long)913.3);
AssertEquals ("A08", 913m, CreationTest4.Value);
// Test public fields
public void TestPublicFields()
AssertEquals ("#B01", 922337203685477.5807m, SqlMoney.MaxValue.Value);
AssertEquals ("#B02", -922337203685477.5808m, SqlMoney.MinValue.Value);
Assert ("#B03", SqlMoney.Null.IsNull);
AssertEquals ("#B04", 0m, SqlMoney.Zero.Value);
// Test properties
public void TestProperties()
AssertEquals ("#C01", 90000m, Test2.Value);
AssertEquals ("#C02", -45000m, Test4.Value);
Assert ("#C03", SqlMoney.Null.IsNull);
public void TestArithmeticMethods()
SqlMoney TestMoney2 = new SqlMoney (2);
// Add
AssertEquals ("#D01", (SqlMoney)96464.6464, SqlMoney.Add (Test1, Test2));
AssertEquals ("#D02", (SqlMoney)180000, SqlMoney.Add (Test2, Test2));
AssertEquals ("#D03", (SqlMoney)45000, SqlMoney.Add (Test2, Test4));
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.Add(SqlMoney.MaxValue, Test2);
Fail ("#D04");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#D05", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// Divide
AssertEquals ("#D06", (SqlMoney)45000, SqlMoney.Divide (Test2, TestMoney2));
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.Divide (Test2, SqlMoney.Zero);
Fail ("#D07");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#D08", typeof (DivideByZeroException),
// Multiply
AssertEquals ("#D09", (SqlMoney)581818176, SqlMoney.Multiply (Test1, Test2));
AssertEquals ("#D10", (SqlMoney)(-4050000000), SqlMoney.Multiply (Test3, Test4));
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.Multiply (SqlMoney.MaxValue, Test2);
Fail ("#D11");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#D12", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// Subtract
AssertEquals ("#D13", (SqlMoney)0, SqlMoney.Subtract (Test2, Test3));
AssertEquals ("#D14", (SqlMoney)83535.3536, SqlMoney.Subtract (Test2, Test1));
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.Subtract (SqlMoney.MinValue, Test2);
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#D15", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
public void TestCompareTo()
Assert ("#E01", Test1.CompareTo (Test2) < 0);
Assert ("#E02", Test3.CompareTo (Test1) > 0);
Assert ("#E03", Test3.CompareTo (Test2) == 0);
Assert ("#E04", Test3.CompareTo (SqlMoney.Null) > 0);
public void TestEqualsMethods()
Assert ("#F01", !Test1.Equals (Test2));
Assert ("#F02", Test2.Equals (Test3));
Assert ("#F03", !SqlMoney.Equals (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#F04", SqlMoney.Equals (Test3, Test2).Value);
public void TestGetHashCode()
// FIXME: Better way to test HashCode
AssertEquals ("#G01", Test3.GetHashCode (), Test2.GetHashCode ());
Assert ("#G02", Test2.GetHashCode () != Test1.GetHashCode ());
public void TestGetType()
AssertEquals ("#H01", "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney",
Test1.GetType ().ToString ());
public void TestGreaters()
// GreateThan ()
Assert ("#I01", !SqlMoney.GreaterThan (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#I02", SqlMoney.GreaterThan (Test2, Test1).Value);
Assert ("#I03", !SqlMoney.GreaterThan (Test2, Test3).Value);
Assert ("#I04", SqlMoney.GreaterThan (Test2, SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// GreaterTharOrEqual ()
Assert ("#I05", !SqlMoney.GreaterThanOrEqual (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#I06", SqlMoney.GreaterThanOrEqual (Test2, Test1).Value);
Assert ("#I07", SqlMoney.GreaterThanOrEqual (Test3, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#I08", SqlMoney.GreaterThanOrEqual (Test3, SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
public void TestLessers()
// LessThan()
Assert ("#J01", !SqlMoney.LessThan (Test2, Test3).Value);
Assert ("#J02", !SqlMoney.LessThan (Test2, Test1).Value);
Assert ("#J03", SqlMoney.LessThan (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#J04", SqlMoney.LessThan (SqlMoney.Null, Test2).IsNull);
// LessThanOrEqual ()
Assert ("#J05", SqlMoney.LessThanOrEqual (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#J06", !SqlMoney.LessThanOrEqual (Test2, Test1).Value);
Assert ("#J07", SqlMoney.LessThanOrEqual (Test2, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#J08", SqlMoney.LessThanOrEqual (Test2, SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
public void TestNotEquals()
Assert ("#K01", SqlMoney.NotEquals (Test1, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#K02", SqlMoney.NotEquals (Test2, Test1).Value);
Assert ("#K03", !SqlMoney.NotEquals (Test2, Test3).Value);
Assert ("#K04", !SqlMoney.NotEquals (Test3, Test2).Value);
Assert ("#K05", SqlMoney.NotEquals (SqlMoney.Null, Test2).IsNull);
public void TestParse()
try {
SqlMoney.Parse (null);
Fail ("#L01");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#L02", typeof (ArgumentNullException), e.GetType ());
try {
SqlMoney.Parse ("not-a-number");
Fail ("#L03");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#L04", typeof (FormatException), e.GetType ());
try {
SqlMoney.Parse ("1000000000000000");
Fail ("#L05");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#L06", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
AssertEquals("#L07", (decimal)150, SqlMoney.Parse ("150").Value);
public void TestConversions()
SqlMoney TestMoney100 = new SqlMoney (100);
// ToDecimal
AssertEquals ("#M01", (decimal)6464.6464, Test1.ToDecimal ());
// ToDouble
AssertEquals ("#M02", (double)6464.6464, Test1.ToDouble ());
// ToInt32
AssertEquals ("#M03", (int)90000, Test2.ToInt32 ());
AssertEquals ("#M04", (int)6465, Test1.ToInt32 ());
// ToInt64
AssertEquals ("#M05", (long)90000, Test2.ToInt64 ());
AssertEquals ("#M06", (long)6465, Test1.ToInt64 ());
// ToSqlBoolean ()
Assert ("#M07", Test1.ToSqlBoolean ().Value);
Assert ("#M08", !SqlMoney.Zero.ToSqlBoolean ().Value);
Assert ("#M09", SqlMoney.Null.ToSqlBoolean ().IsNull);
// ToSqlByte ()
AssertEquals ("#M10", (byte)100, TestMoney100.ToSqlByte ().Value);
try {
SqlByte b = (byte)Test2.ToSqlByte ();
Fail ("#M11");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#M12", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// ToSqlDecimal ()
AssertEquals ("#M13", (decimal)6464.6464, Test1.ToSqlDecimal ().Value);
AssertEquals ("#M14", (decimal)-45000, Test4.ToSqlDecimal ().Value);
// ToSqlInt16 ()
AssertEquals ("#M15", (short)6465, Test1.ToSqlInt16 ().Value);
try {
SqlInt16 test = SqlMoney.MaxValue.ToSqlInt16().Value;
Fail ("#M17");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#M18", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// ToSqlInt32 ()
AssertEquals ("#M19", (int)6465, Test1.ToSqlInt32 ().Value);
AssertEquals ("#M20", (int)(-45000), Test4.ToSqlInt32 ().Value);
try {
SqlInt32 test = SqlMoney.MaxValue.ToSqlInt32 ().Value;
Fail ("#M21");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#M22", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// ToSqlInt64 ()
AssertEquals ("#M23", (long)6465, Test1.ToSqlInt64 ().Value);
AssertEquals ("#M24", (long)(-45000), Test4.ToSqlInt64 ().Value);
// ToSqlSingle ()
AssertEquals ("#M25", (float)6464.6464, Test1.ToSqlSingle ().Value);
// ToSqlString ()
AssertEquals ("#M26", "6464,6464", Test1.ToSqlString ().Value);
AssertEquals ("#M27", "90000", Test2.ToSqlString ().Value);
// ToString ()
AssertEquals ("#M28", "6464,6464", Test1.ToString ());
AssertEquals ("#M29", "90000", Test2.ToString ());
public void TestArithmeticOperators()
// "+"-operator
AssertEquals ("#N01", (SqlMoney)96464.6464, Test1 + Test2);
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.MaxValue + SqlMoney.MaxValue;
Fail ("#N02");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#N03", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// "/"-operator
AssertEquals ("#N04", (SqlMoney)13.9219, Test2 / Test1);
try {
SqlMoney test = Test3 / SqlMoney.Zero;
Fail ("#N05");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#N06", typeof (DivideByZeroException), e.GetType ());
// "*"-operator
AssertEquals ("#N07", (SqlMoney)581818176, Test1 * Test2);
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.MaxValue * Test1;
Fail ("#N08");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#N09", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
// "-"-operator
AssertEquals ("#N10", (SqlMoney)83535.3536, Test2 - Test1);
try {
SqlMoney test = SqlMoney.MinValue - SqlMoney.MaxValue;
Fail ("#N11");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#N12", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
public void TestThanOrEqualOperators()
// == -operator
Assert ("#O01", (Test2 == Test2).Value);
Assert ("#O02", !(Test1 == Test2).Value);
Assert ("#O03", (Test1 == SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// != -operator
Assert ("#O04", !(Test2 != Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O05", (Test1 != Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O06", (Test1 != Test4).Value);
Assert ("#O07", (Test1 != SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// > -operator
Assert ("#O08", (Test1 > Test4).Value);
Assert ("#O09", (Test2 > Test1).Value);
Assert ("#O10", !(Test2 > Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O11", (Test1 > SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// >= -operator
Assert ("#O12", !(Test1 >= Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O13", (Test3 >= Test1).Value);
Assert ("#O14", (Test2 >= Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O15", (Test1 >= SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// < -operator
Assert ("#O16", !(Test2 < Test1).Value);
Assert ("#O17", (Test1 < Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O18", !(Test2 < Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O19", (Test1 < SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
// <= -operator
Assert ("#O20", (Test1 <= Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O21", !(Test3 <= Test1).Value);
Assert ("#O22", (Test2 <= Test3).Value);
Assert ("#O23", (Test1 <= SqlMoney.Null).IsNull);
public void TestUnaryNegation()
AssertEquals ("#P01", (decimal)(-6464.6464), -(Test1).Value);
AssertEquals ("#P02", (decimal)45000, -(Test4).Value);
public void TestSqlBooleanToSqlMoney()
SqlBoolean TestBoolean = new SqlBoolean (true);
AssertEquals ("#Q01", (decimal)1, ((SqlMoney)TestBoolean).Value);
Assert ("#Q02", ((SqlDecimal)SqlBoolean.Null).IsNull);
public void TestSqlDecimalToSqlMoney()
SqlDecimal TestDecimal = new SqlDecimal (4000);
SqlDecimal TestDecimal2 = new SqlDecimal (1e20);
SqlMoney TestMoney = (SqlMoney)TestDecimal;
AssertEquals ("#R01", TestMoney.Value, TestDecimal.Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)TestDecimal2;
Fail ("#R02");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#R03", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
public void TestSqlDoubleToSqlMoney()
SqlDouble TestDouble = new SqlDouble (1e9);
SqlDouble TestDouble2 = new SqlDouble (1e20);
SqlMoney TestMoney = (SqlMoney)TestDouble;
AssertEquals ("#S01", 1000000000m, TestMoney.Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)TestDouble2;
Fail ("#S02");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#S03", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
public void SqlMoneyToDecimal()
AssertEquals ("#T01", (decimal)6464.6464, (decimal)Test1);
AssertEquals ("#T02", (decimal)(-45000), (decimal)Test4);
public void SqlSingleToSqlMoney()
SqlSingle TestSingle = new SqlSingle (1e10);
SqlSingle TestSingle2 = new SqlSingle (1e20);
AssertEquals ("#U01", 10000000000m, ((SqlMoney)TestSingle).Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)TestSingle2;
Fail ("#U02");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#U03", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType());
public void TestSqlStringToSqlMoney()
SqlString TestString = new SqlString ("Test string");
SqlString TestString100 = new SqlString ("100");
AssertEquals ("#V01", (decimal)100, ((SqlMoney)TestString100).Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)TestString;
Fail ("#V02");
} catch(Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#V03", typeof (FormatException), e.GetType ());
public void DecimalToSqlMoney()
decimal TestDecimal = 1e10m;
decimal TestDecimal2 = 1e20m;
AssertEquals ("#W01", 10000000000, ((SqlMoney)TestDecimal).Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)TestDecimal2;
Fail ("#W02");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#W03", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());
public void SqlByteToSqlMoney()
SqlByte TestByte = new SqlByte ((byte)200);
AssertEquals ("#X01", 200m, ((SqlMoney)TestByte).Value);
public void IntsToSqlMoney()
SqlInt16 TestInt16 = new SqlInt16 (5000);
SqlInt32 TestInt32 = new SqlInt32 (5000);
SqlInt64 TestInt64 = new SqlInt64 (5000);
AssertEquals ("#Y01", 5000m, ((SqlMoney)TestInt16).Value);
AssertEquals ("#Y02", 5000m, ((SqlMoney)TestInt32).Value);
AssertEquals ("#Y03", 5000m, ((SqlMoney)TestInt64).Value);
try {
SqlMoney test = (SqlMoney)SqlInt64.MaxValue;
Fail ("#Y04");
} catch (Exception e) {
AssertEquals ("#Y05", typeof (OverflowException), e.GetType ());