[Mono-list] Update of SQL# and the MySQL ADO.NET Provider in Mono
Daniel Morgan
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 17:17:05 -0400
For those wanting to see SQL# using the MySQL ADO.NET Provider working in
SQL# has better formatting of the output then it did before. It was buggy
before. Numbers are right-justified now. DateTime is expressed in ISO
format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Any column longer than 32 characters is
truncated to 32 characters.
Here is the output of running it:
DanielMorgan@DANPC ~/mono/mcs/class/System.Data/Test
$ mcs SqlSharpCli.cs -r System.Data.dll
Compilation succeeded
DanielMorgan@DANPC ~/mono/mcs/class/System.Data/Test
$ mono SqlSharpCli.exe
Welcome to SQL#. The interactive SQL command-line client
for Mono.Data. See http://www.go-mono.com/ for more details.
Type: \Q to quit
\ConnectionString to set the ConnectionString
\Provider to set the Provider:
\Open to open the connection
\Close to close the connection
\Execute to execute SQL command(s)/queries(s)
\h to show this help.
\defaults to show default variables.
The default Provider is POSTGRESQL
The default ConnectionString is:
SQL# \provider mysql
The default Provider is LOADEXTPROVIDER
Assembly: Mono.Data.MySql
Connection Class: Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection
SQL# \connectionstring dbname=test
SQL# \open
Attempt to open connection...
Loading external provider...
External provider loaded.
Open was successfull.
SQL# select int_value,datetime_value,text_value,double_value
SQL# from mono_mysql_test
SQL# \e
Execute SQL: select int_value,datetime_value,text_value,double_value
from mono_mysql_test
Display any result sets...
Display the result set 1
Fields in Query Result: 4
int_value datetime_value text_value double_value
========= =================== ========== ============
777 2002-12-31 11:15:07 smell 2.2
4 2002-12-31 11:15:07 smell 2.2
94 2003-11-23 10:24:45 nope 92.2
Rows retrieved: 3