[Mono-list] Port of a Java quantum fractal generator.

Adam Treat manyoso@yahoo.com
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:41:38 -0500

Hello All,

I've recently ported a Quantum Fractal generator to C#.  The port was 
instructive and revealed some interesting details about the CLR, Java and the 
C# compilers.  

The Java program consists of two pieces, the data engine which implements 
Java's Runnable interface and a Swing UI that controls the data and fashions 
a graphical representation.  The GUI is also responsible for start/stop/pause 
of the engine as well as configuration of important mathematical properities 
of the engine.  The program also allows the user to choose different color 
schemes for the fractal rendering.  I have duplicated all of this in the C# 

The C# port benefits from an order of magnitude speedup as well as less memory 
usage.  The lines of code have also been reduced by about 40%.  The C# UI is 
also significantly more responsive.

Some raw numbers:

Memory: C# - 7.5, Java - 12.9
Code: C# - 21K, Java -35K
Speed: Mono ~86239 dp/sec, Sun JDK1.4 ~9000 dp/sec

The C# port has two problems: lack of a few threading methods in Mono and lack 
of support for Qt API locking in Qt#.  Still, the port is much faster and 
more responsive than the Java/Swing version.  It is also double buffered and 
makes screenshots which make quite nice wallpapers :)


Because Mono does not currently support the Thread.Suspend and Thread.Resume 
methods, the program simply aborts the engine thread when paused and creates 
a new one when resumed.  An xlib async error is sometimes encountered 
(rarely) because Qt# does not lock the Qt library when the engine thread is 
updating the UI.

The port also revealed an interesting snapshot of the C# compilers, mcs, cscc, 
and csc.  Here are the numbers:

Comparison of compilers:

A. Portable.Net's CSCC -- 'cscc -o qf.exe -l Qt -O3 FractalViewer.cs 
QPaintBuffer.cs QuantumFractals.cs IQuantumFractal.cs'
	1. 1017675/51.455 = 19777.961
	2. 1023028/52.562 = 19463.262
	3. 1039391/51.836 = 20051.528

		~19764.25 datapoints/second
		~1.2 seconds to compile
B. Mono's MCS -- 'mcs -r Qt -o qf.exe FractalViewer.cs QPaintBuffer.cs 
QuantumFractals.cs IQuantumFractal.cs'

	1. 1112663/12.555 = 88623.098
	2. 1112760/13.218 = 84185.202
	3. 1102069/12.828 = 85911.210

		~86239.84 datapoints/second
		~7.2 seconds to compile
C. MS.NET's CSC  -- 'csc /out:qf.exe /r:/usr/local/lib/Qt.dll FractalViewer.cs 
QPaintBuffer.cs QuantumFractals.cs IQuantumFractal.cs'

	1. 1118354/13.167 = 84936.128
	2. 1114996/12.535 = 82378.722
	3. 1125364/13.026 = 86393.674

		~84569.51 datapoints/second
		~25 seconds to compile (note: am using wine to run the csc compiler so this 
isn't really fair ;)

At this point mcs and csc produce the same quality of code while cscc is 
faster.  I haven't tested csc under pure .NET.

Mono's JIT runs the CS port about an order of magnitude faster than the Java 
version using Sun's JDK 1.4 JIT.  Portable.Net is not capable of running the 
C# port do to the lack of threading implementation.  The port is much faster 
and more responsive than the Java/Swing version.

The original java project with complete source code can be found here:

Information on Quantum Fractals and the algorithms used to generate them can 
be found here:

The original paper that describes these fractals:



Ok, back to the regularly scheduled programming,
