[Mono-list] SqlClient update
Tim Coleman
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 15:29:12 -0500
Update on System.Data.SqlClient.
Many updates have happened in the last week, including
and System.Data.SqlTypes. Ville Palo has done a lot of work with the
SqlTypes, which will be used to provide native datatypes through the
I can't believe how many changes have been done in the last week to
this namespace under heavy development. Some of the highlights:
* SqlCommand is almost done
* Added the ability to get key information from database
* Lots of work on the SqlCommandBuilder
* The SqlDataAdapter is now working, more or less. If you
don't know what this is, and you're interested in ADO.NET,
you should really check it out. It is very cool.
* Many, many bugfixes and changes to bring the interface
in-line with .NET
Things to do:
* Testing, testing, testing. A question is, how do we implement
test suites when we don't know if there is even a database
available? Any ideas?
* SqlDataAdapter work will be proceeding more soon. This is my
area of interest at the moment.
* Some of the classes in System.Data need to be more fully
* Much, much more!
I'll leave you with a (slightly lengthy) code example. It demonstrates
using the SqlDataAdapter to update a row in the database. It touches
on a number of classes, so it's a pretty good example of how far we
have come. If you have a SQL Server database, you can run it today!
string connectionString = "... Your Connection String ...";
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (connectionString);
connection.Open ();
SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand ();
// Create a new table for testing
command.Transaction = connection.BeginTransaction ();
command.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE monotest (column1 INT); INSERT INTO
monotest VALUES (31337)";
command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
command.Transaction.Commit ();
command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM monotest";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter (command);
SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder (adapter);
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable ("monotest");
adapter.Fill (dataTable);
// Should output "31337"
foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows) {
Console.WriteLine (dataRow[0]);
// Change row 1, column 1 to "123".
dataTable.Rows[0][0] = 123;
// Commit changes back to database
int updateCount = adapter.Update (dataTable);
// Should be 1
Console.WriteLine ("{0} row(s) affected by update.", updateCount);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader ();
if (!reader.Read ())
throw new Exception ("Could not read.");
// Should output "123"
Console.WriteLine (reader.GetInt32 (0));
reader.Close ();
// Clean up the test table
command.Transaction = connection.BeginTransaction ();
command.CommandText = "DROP TABLE monotest";
command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
command.Transaction.Commit ();
Compile as
mcs -r System.Data test.cs
1 row(s) affected by update.
Tim Coleman <tim@timcoleman.com> [43.43 N 80.45 W]
BMath, Honours Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo
Software Developer, Global Services, Open Text Corporation
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