[Mono-list] Mono.Data.MySQL

Ben Clewett Ben@roadrunner.uk.com
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:47:15 +0000


Sorry, same result.

Running you 'MySqlTest', this failes at your

Console.WriteLine("Select Values From the Database:");

Everything before this works.

Some of the variables the Debug enviroment report:  (Any more, I can get 

-	schemaRow	{System.Data.DataRow}	System.Data.DataRow
	System.Object	{System.Data.DataRow}	System.Object
	oldRecord	-1	int
	newRecord	-1	int
	tempRecord	0	int
	rowID	-1	int
	inChangingEvent	false	bool
	inDeletingEvent	false	bool
	inCascade	false	bool
	error	null	System.Data.DataError
	_element	null	System.Xml.XmlBoundElement
-	_Table	{System.Data.DataTable}	System.Data.DataTable
+	System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent	{System.Data.DataTable} 
	KEY_XMLSCHEMA	"XmlSchema"	string
	KEY_XMLDIFFGRAM	"XmlDiffGram"	string
	KEY_NAME	"TableName"	string
	dataSet	null	System.Data.DataSet
	defaultView	null	System.Data.DataView
	nextRowID	1	int
+	rowCollection	{System.Data.DataRowCollection} 
+	columnCollection	{System.Data.DataColumnCollection} 
+	constraintCollection	{System.Data.ConstraintCollection} 
	elementColumnCount	22	int
+	parentRelationsCollection 
+	childRelationsCollection 
+	recordManager	{System.Data.RecordManager}	System.Data.RecordManager
+	indexes	{Count=0}	System.Collections.ArrayList
	extendedProperties	null	System.Data.PropertyCollection
	tableName	""	string
	tableNamespace	null	string
	tablePrefix	""	string
	caseSensitive	false	bool
	caseSensitiveAmbient	true	bool
	culture	null	System.Globalization.CultureInfo
	displayExpression	null	System.Data.DataFilter
+	compareInfo	{System.Globalization.CompareInfo} 
	compareFlags	25	System.Globalization.CompareOptions
	fNestedInDataset	true	bool
	encodedTableName	null	string
	xmlText	null	System.Data.DataColumn
	_colUnique	null	System.Data.DataColumn
	textOnly	false	bool
+	minOccurs	1	System.Decimal
+	maxOccurs	1	System.Decimal
	repeatableElement	false	bool
+	typeName	{System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName}	System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName
	zeroIntegers	{Length=0}	int[]
	zeroColumns	{Length=0}	System.Data.DataColumn[]
	primaryKey	null	System.Data.UniqueConstraint
	primaryIndex	{Length=0}	int[]
	delayedSetPrimaryKey	null	System.Data.DataColumn[]
	saveIndexes	null	System.Collections.ArrayList
	loadIndex	null	System.Data.Index
	savedEnforceConstraints	false	bool
	inDataLoad	false	bool
	initialLoad	false	bool
	schemaLoading	false	bool
	fComputedColumns	true	bool
	enforceConstraints	true	bool
+	propertyDescriptorCollectionCache 
	fInitInProgress	false	bool
	_nestedParentRelation	null	System.Data.DataRelation
	mergingData	false	bool
	onRowChangedDelegate	null	System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler
	onRowChangingDelegate	null	System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler
	onRowDeletingDelegate	null	System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler
	onRowDeletedDelegate	null	System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler
	onColumnChangedDelegate	null	System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler
	onColumnChangingDelegate	null	System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler
	onPropertyChangingDelegate	null 
+	rowBuilder	{System.Data.DataRowBuilder}	System.Data.DataRowBuilder
+	delayedViews	{Count=0}	System.Collections.ArrayList
+	dvListeners	{Count=0}	System.Collections.ArrayList
+	LiveIndexes	{Count=0}	System.Collections.ArrayList
	CaseSensitive	false	bool
+	ChildRelations 
+	Columns	{System.Data.DataColumnCollection} 
+	Constraints	{System.Data.ConstraintCollection} 
	DataSet	null	System.Data.DataSet
+	DefaultView	{System.Data.DataView}	System.Data.DataView
	DisplayExpression	""	string
	EnforceConstraints	true	bool
+	ExtendedProperties	{System.Data.PropertyCollection} 
	HasErrors	false	bool
+	Locale	{System.Globalization.CultureInfo}	System.Globalization.CultureInfo
	MinimumCapacity	50	int
	RecordCapacity	128	int
	ElementColumnCount	22	int
+	ParentRelations 
	MergingData	false	bool
	nestedParentRelation	null	System.Data.DataRelation
	SchemaLoading	false	bool
	PrimaryKey	{Length=0}	System.Data.DataColumn[]
+	Rows	{System.Data.DataRowCollection}	System.Data.DataRowCollection
	TableName	""	string
	EncodedTableName	""	string
	Namespace	""	string
	Prefix	""	string
	XmlText	null	System.Data.DataColumn
+	MaxOccurs	1	System.Decimal
+	MinOccurs	1	System.Decimal
	Site	null	System.ComponentModel.ISite
	zeroRows	{Length=0}	System.Data.DataRow[]
	zeroColumns	{Length=0}	System.Data.DataColumn[]
	Element	null	System.Xml.XmlBoundElement
	RowError	""	string
	RowState	Detached	System.Data.DataRowState
+	Table	{System.Data.DataTable}	System.Data.DataTable
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
+	ItemArray	{Length=22}	System.Object[]
	HasErrors	false	bool
-	this	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlDataReader}	Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlDataReader
-	System.MarshalByRefObject	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlDataReader} 
	System.Object	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlDataReader}	System.Object
	__identity	null	System.Object
-	cmd	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlCommand}	Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlCommand
+	System.ComponentModel.Component	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlCommand} 
	sql	"SELECT * FROM mono_mysql_test"	string
	timeout	30	int
+	conn	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection}	Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection
	trans	null	Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlTransaction
	cmdType	Text	System.Data.CommandType
	designTime	false	bool
+	commands	{Length=1}	string[]
	currentQuery	0	int
	cmdBehavior	Default	System.Data.CommandBehavior
	disposed	false	bool
	CommandText	"SELECT * FROM mono_mysql_test"	string
	CommandTimeout	30	int
	CommandType	Text	System.Data.CommandType
+	Connection	{Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection} 
	DesignTimeVisible	false	bool
	Transaction	null	Mono.Data.MySql.MySqlTransaction
	UpdatedRowSource	<error: an exception of type: 
{System.NotImplementedException} occurred>	System.Data.UpdateRowSource
-	fieldName	{Length=27}	string[]
	[0]	"tinyint_value"	string
	[1]	"smallint_value"	string
	[2]	"mediumint_value"	string
	[3]	"int_value"	string
	[4]	"integer_value"	string
	[5]	"bigint_value"	string
	[6]	"real_value"	string
	[7]	"double_value"	string
	[8]	"float_value"	string
	[9]	"decimal_value"	string
	[10]	"numeric_value"	string
	[11]	"char_value"	string
	[12]	"varchar_value"	string
	[13]	"date_value"	string
	[14]	"time_value"	string
	[15]	"timestamp_value"	string
	[16]	"datetime_value"	string
	[17]	"tinyblob_value"	string
	[18]	"blob_value"	string
	[19]	"mediumblob_value"	string
	[20]	"longblob_value"	string
	[21]	"tinytext_value"	string
	[22]	"text_value"	string
	[23]	"mediumtext_value"	string
	[24]	"longtext_value"	string
	[25]	"enum_value"	string
	[26]	"set_value"	string
-	fieldType	{Length=27}	int[]
	[0]	1	int
	[1]	2	int
	[2]	9	int
	[3]	3	int
	[4]	3	int
	[5]	8	int
	[6]	5	int
	[7]	5	int
	[8]	4	int
	[9]	0	int
	[10]	0	int
	[11]	254	int
	[12]	253	int
	[13]	10	int
	[14]	11	int
	[15]	7	int
	[16]	12	int
	[17]	252	int
	[18]	252	int
	[19]	252	int
	[20]	252	int
	[21]	252	int
	[22]	252	int
	[23]	252	int
	[24]	252	int
	[25]	254	int
	[26]	254	int
+	fieldDbType	{Length=27}	System.Data.DbType[]
-	fieldLength	{Length=27}	uint[]
	[0]	4	uint
	[1]	6	uint
	[2]	9	uint
	[3]	11	uint
	[4]	11	uint
	[5]	20	uint
	[6]	22	uint
	[7]	22	uint
	[8]	12	uint
	[9]	10	uint
	[10]	17	uint
	[11]	2	uint
	[12]	5	uint
	[13]	10	uint
	[14]	8	uint
	[15]	14	uint
	[16]	19	uint
	[17]	255	uint
	[18]	65535	uint
	[19]	16777215	uint
	[20]	16777215	uint
	[21]	255	uint
	[22]	65535	uint
	[23]	16777215	uint
	[24]	16777215	uint
	[25]	4	uint
	[26]	27	uint
-	fieldMaxLength	{Length=27}	uint[]
	[0]	1	uint
	[1]	1	uint
	[2]	1	uint
	[3]	3	uint
	[4]	1	uint
	[5]	1	uint
	[6]	3	uint
	[7]	3	uint
	[8]	3	uint
	[9]	5	uint
	[10]	5	uint
	[11]	2	uint
	[12]	4	uint
	[13]	10	uint
	[14]	8	uint
	[15]	14	uint
	[16]	19	uint
	[17]	2	uint
	[18]	2	uint
	[19]	2	uint
	[20]	5	uint
	[21]	1	uint
	[22]	5	uint
	[23]	4	uint
	[24]	4	uint
	[25]	3	uint
	[26]	13	uint
-	fieldFlags	{Length=27}	uint[]
	[0]	32768	uint
	[1]	32768	uint
	[2]	32768	uint
	[3]	32768	uint
	[4]	32768	uint
	[5]	32768	uint
	[6]	32768	uint
	[7]	32768	uint
	[8]	32768	uint
	[9]	32768	uint
	[10]	32768	uint
	[11]	0	uint
	[12]	0	uint
	[13]	0	uint
	[14]	0	uint
	[15]	33889	uint
	[16]	0	uint
	[17]	144	uint
	[18]	144	uint
	[19]	144	uint
	[20]	144	uint
	[21]	16	uint
	[22]	16	uint
	[23]	16	uint
	[24]	16	uint
	[25]	256	uint
	[26]	2048	uint
	dataValue	null	System.Object[]
	open	true	bool
	recordsAffected	-1	int
	currentQuery	0	int
	currentRow	-1	int
	res	53091472	int
	row	0	int
	numFields	27	int
	numRows	2	int
	cmdBehavior	Default	System.Data.CommandBehavior
	disposed	false	bool
	Depth	0	int
	IsClosed	false	bool
	RecordsAffected	-1	int
	FieldCount	27	int
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object
	Item	<cannot view indexed property>	System.Object


Daniel Morgan wrote:

> Hi Ben
> I tried looking into the problem.  I was not able to duplicate. 
> However, I
> do have a suggestion for you to try.
> Comment line 174 in MySqlDataReader.cs and see if that works for you.
> //schemaRow.AcceptChanges();
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mono-list-admin@ximian.com [mailto:mono-list-admin@ximian.com]On
> Behalf Of Ben Clewett
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 5:19 AM
> To: mono-list@ximian.com
> Subject: [Mono-list] Mono.Data.MySQL
> Mono,
> Been trying to use Mono.Data.MySQL from yesterdays snapshot.
> Using both my own code, and that provided in the 'test' directory, I
> keep getting:  (Win2000)
> "An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.RowNotInTableException'
> occurred in system.data.dll"
> At Line 176 of MySqlDataReader.cs:
> " dataTableSchema.Rows.Add (schemaRow); "
> Any ideas?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ben Clewett, B.Clewett@roadrunner.uk.com
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@ximian.com
> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/mono-list

Ben Clewett, B.Clewett@roadrunner.uk.com