[Mono-list] Docs for people new to mono

Brian Chapman ripcurl187@yahoo.com
Thu, 16 May 2002 07:28:22 -0700 (PDT)

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Hey Everyone,

Pavel, Hari, and myself have discussed creating documentation aimed at making
it easier for people new to mono and .NET to get started with the project.  

Attached is the outline of what we think is most appropriate.  

We would like to ask for your feedback and input on these topics.  We would
also like any of the more experienced people to begin filling in sections of
the document...anything they know would be great!  

At present, this document only exists as an attachment, but I think Pavel or
Hari was going to get it into CVS.  But for the time being, just please copy my
email when you respond with input.  

Thanks, Brian 

--- Hari Mailvaganam <hari@raven-bear.com> wrote:
> Brian, Pavel and Miguel,
> Brian-I looked at the attachment you forwarded with the topics listed -
> it is comprehensive and well thought out. It is a perfect set of topics
> to build upon. I have not added anything to the list - it is very
> thorough.
> Would you like to forward it to the Mono-list for feedback? Also perhaps
> can ask if some of the posters would fill in the topics and send it back
> - the seasoned "Mono hackers" out there can help the process further.
> I copied Miguel in this e-mail to keep him abreast - perhaps as we
> proceed we can start posting the documentation builds to the Go-Mono
> site? Would this be feasible? 
> Thanks,
> Hari
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Chapman [mailto:ripcurl187@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 9:08 AM
> To: Hari Mailvaganam; 'Pavel Tcholakov'
> Subject: RE: Brainstorming on Documentation et al
> I've attached a template that we can use to fill in some of the
> documentation
> (mostly stuff I sent in that first email).  I would like you guys to
> make
> suggestions/corrections and then we can post it to the list for feedback
> before
> we start really working on it.  I think the included topics would have
> helped
> me the most getting started, so please add anything that would have
> helped you.
>  Brian
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> > Mono Documentation
> 1.  Project Description
> 2.  Pieces of Mono
> 	2.1  Compiler
> 	2.2  Runtime
> 	2.3  Class libraries
> 	2.4  Additional Tools
> 3.  Relation of Mono to .NET
> 	2.1  Mono compiler / .NET compiler
> 	2.2  Mono runtime / .NET runtime
> 	2.3  Mono class libraries / .NET class libraries
> 	2.4  Mono utilities / .NET utilities
> 1.  General usage guidelines
> 2.  Mono on Linux
> 	2.1.  Obtaining Mono for Linux
> 		2.1.1.  RPMS (link to baselabs RPMS)
> 		2.1.2.  Sources (link to building instructions)
> 	2.2.  Installation
> 		2.2.0.  Installing RPMS
> 		2.2.1.  Default Directories
>  Location of mcs.exe and mcs.bat
>  Location of mono.exe and mono.bat (if it exists)
>  Location of class libraries
>  Location of utilities
> 		2.2.2.  Configuration (necessary?)
> 	2.3.  Compiling (link to compiler options info on Mono site)
> 	2.4.  Linking to mono class libraries (env var to set class lib location,
> what else?)
> 	2.5.  Running programs
> 		2.5.1.  Mono runtime usage options (I don't know what goes here, maybe a
> link)
> 3.  Mono on Windows 
> 	NOTE to users:  Read Microsoft.NET SDK Information first!!!
> 	3.1  Obtaining Mono for Windows
> 		3.1.1.  Installer information (can't remember)
> 	3.2  Installation
> 		3.2.0.  Installing mono
> 		3.2.1.  Default Directories
>  Location of mcs.exe and mcs.bat
>  Location of mono.exe and mono.bat (if it exists)
>  Location of mono class libraries
>  Location of mono utilities
> 		2.2.2.  Configuration (necessary?)
> 	3.3.  Compiling
> 		3.3.1  Using mcs.bat (explain what it does)
> 		3.3.2  Linking to the Mono class libraries (is this default behavior? can
> it be changed? etc?)
> 		3.3.3  Linking to the .NET libraries (does this work for compiling?  does
> it work during execution?  why/why not?)
> 		3.3.4  Problems linking with either set of class libraries
> 	3.4.  Running programs
> 		3.4.0.  Using mono.bat (explain what it does)
> 		3.4.1.  Mono runtime usage
>  Which libraries will it reference?  Can this be changed?
>  Running .NET compiled programs with the mono runtime (what
> libraries will it reference?)
> 		3.4.2.  .NET runtime usage (running mcs compiled programs under .NET
> runtime)
>  Will this work?  Why?  Why not?
>  Which libraries is it linking with?
> 	3.5.  Confusion points (continuation of above info)
> 		3.5.1.  Using the mono runtime with .NET libraries
> 		3.5.2.  Using the mcs compiler and linking with .NET libraries

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Content-Type: text/plain; name="Documentation.txt"
Content-Description: Documentation.txt
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Mono Documentation

1.  Project Description

2.  Pieces of Mono
	2.1  Compiler
	2.2  Runtime
	2.3  Class libraries
	2.4  Additional Tools

3.  Relation of Mono to .NET
	2.1  Mono compiler / .NET compiler
	2.2  Mono runtime / .NET runtime
	2.3  Mono class libraries / .NET class libraries
	2.4  Mono utilities / .NET utilities

1.  General usage guidelines

2.  Mono on Linux
	2.1.  Obtaining Mono for Linux
		2.1.1.  RPMS (link to baselabs RPMS)
		2.1.2.  Sources (link to building instructions)
	2.2.  Installation
		2.2.0.  Installing RPMS
		2.2.1.  Default Directories  Location of mcs.exe and mcs.bat  Location of mono.exe and mono.bat (if it exists)  Location of class libraries  Location of utilities
		2.2.2.  Configuration (necessary?)
	2.3.  Compiling (link to compiler options info on Mono site)
	2.4.  Linking to mono class libraries (env var to set class lib location, what else?)
	2.5.  Running programs
		2.5.1.  Mono runtime usage options (I don't know what goes here, maybe a link)
3.  Mono on Windows 
	NOTE to users:  Read Microsoft.NET SDK Information first!!!

	3.1  Obtaining Mono for Windows
		3.1.1.  Installer information (can't remember)
	3.2  Installation
		3.2.0.  Installing mono
		3.2.1.  Default Directories  Location of mcs.exe and mcs.bat  Location of mono.exe and mono.bat (if it exists)  Location of mono class libraries  Location of mono utilities
		2.2.2.  Configuration (necessary?)

	3.3.  Compiling
		3.3.1  Using mcs.bat (explain what it does)
		3.3.2  Linking to the Mono class libraries (is this default behavior? can it be changed? etc?)
		3.3.3  Linking to the .NET libraries (does this work for compiling?  does it work during execution?  why/why not?)
		3.3.4  Problems linking with either set of class libraries
	3.4.  Running programs
		3.4.0.  Using mono.bat (explain what it does)
		3.4.1.  Mono runtime usage  Which libraries will it reference?  Can this be changed?  Running .NET compiled programs with the mono runtime (what libraries will it reference?)
		3.4.2.  .NET runtime usage (running mcs compiled programs under .NET runtime)  Will this work?  Why?  Why not?  Which libraries is it linking with?
	3.5.  Confusion points (continuation of above info)
		3.5.1.  Using the mono runtime with .NET libraries
		3.5.2.  Using the mcs compiler and linking with .NET libraries
