[Mono-list] File IO error

Nick Drochak ndrochak@gol.com
Wed, 8 May 2002 16:27:56 +0900

| Here is a patch to FileTest.cs that uses the "resources" directory you
| created instead of "filetest".  With this patch, all of the tests written
| (which is not many at this point, but I will work on that over
| time) do run
| and work.

Great!  Thanks again.

I've put these patches in (again, slightly modified) and they do run
correctly against MS.NET now. I used the Path.DirectorySeparatorChar to try
to be more Linux-friendly, but that wasn't the problem.  I can try more

You should ask Miguel for a cvs account so you can patch these files
yourself.  Just follow the instructions at: www.go-mono.com/ccvs.html

Next step is to find out why the tests are throwing uncaught errors on
Linux.  Maybe RxDan can help us there.

Nick D.