[Mono-list] hello.cs not compiling on linux.

Miguel de Icaza miguel@ximian.com
31 Mar 2002 02:10:26 -0500

On Sat, 2002-03-30 at 08:15, prashant mahesh patel wrote:
> using System;
> public class Hello
> {
>     public static void Main()
>     {
>  	Console.WriteLine("Hello mono");
>     }
> }
> this .cs gave this error.
> (process:1252): ** ERROR **: file unicode.c: line 288
> (iconv_get_length): should not be reached
> aborting...
> /home/prashant/mono/bin/mcs: line 2:  1252 Aborted
>             /home/prashant/mono/bin/mono /home/

Add the directory that has the GC library to your /etc/ld.so.conf, then
run /sbin/ldconfig as root.

We should probably have an autoconf test that flags this problem with
-lgc, because this is the most obscure way of reporting the problem.

I had the same problem two days ago.
