[Mono-list] bug with time handling

Guenther Roith groith@tcrz.net
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 11:28:37 +0100

While writing the benchmark I tried to get the time.
On .net it works. mono gives an exeption:

Unhandled exception System.NotSupportedException Can't get timezone name.
#0: 0x00025 throw      in System.CurrentTimeZone::.ctor ()
#1: 0x00007 newobj     in System.TimeZone::get_CurrentTimeZone ()
#2: 0x00010 call       in System.DateTime::.ctor ([1] [0] )
#3: 0x00006 newobj     in System.DateTime::get_Now ()
#4: 0x00000 call       in .X::Main ([00CFCD30] )

The code is:

using System;

class X {

static int Main (string [] args)

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000;)

Console.WriteLine( DateTime.Now.ToString("T"));

return 0;