[Mono-list] RunTests.corlib.exe in mint failing
Paolo Molaro
Sun, 17 Mar 2002 13:03:09 +0100
On 03/17/02 Nick Drochak wrote:
> | Most of the internalcalls are executed just like P/Invoke
> | methods because they are basically the same (with icalls you
> | don't do marshaling, but that's it).
> |
> OK, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. The code is a bit
> confusing since there is also an icall() function in that same dispatch
> logic. A comment or two there (well, anywhere) would have helped.
> Hint, hint :)
I said 'most' of the internacalls are like P/Invoke methods:-)
Some icalls are special, in that they can't be really implemented
with common code in the runtime for both the interpreter and the jit.
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