[Mono-list] bad news from microsoft

Manuel Montoro mmontoro@g3comunicaciones.com
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:31:41 +0100

What else did you expect from M$?
Platform Openess like Java?
Freedom for third parties to develop .NET implementations?
Please note we're talking of Microsoft: They don't want to benefit the 
community. They want to benefit themselves and ONLY themselves. 
Anyone else.


On 12 Mar 2002 at 14:09, Guenther Roith wrote:

> At the cbit 2002 Ballmer told the  german news service "heise online" the
> following:
> Auf die Öffnung des .NET-Framework angesprochen, kündigte Ballmer an, dass
> es sicherlich eine IL-Implementation (Intermediate Language) für Unix geben
> werde, schränkte diese Entwicklung jedoch als Subset ein, der "nur für den
> akademischen Einsatz gedacht sei". Überlegungen zur Unterstützung freier
> .NET-Implementationen wie Mono erteilte Ballmer eine Absage: "Wir haben so
> viele Millionen in .NET gesteckt, wir haben so viele Patente auf .NET, die
> wir pflegen wollen."
> I try to tanslate (my be not perfect):
> When asked wether the .NET-Framework will be opened Ballmer said, there will
> be surely an il-implemetation (Intermediate Language) for unix, but only a
> subset, which is only thought for academical use. Thoughts to support free
> implementations like mono didn't like Ballmer: "We have put so much Millions
> in .NET, we have so many patents on .NET, which we want to "pflegen"  (i
> can't find the correct translation - it means the want to use the patents)"
> You can read the whole story in german here:
> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/jk-12.03.02-000/
> Sometimes these texts are translated later on www.heise.de/english
> i would like to here your comments
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Manuel Antonio Montoro Navarro
G3 Comunicaciones
Departamento Técnico
mail: mmontoro@g3comunicaciones.com
web: http://www.g3comunicaciones.com

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    El que habla lo que quiere suele escuchar lo que no quiere