[Mono-list] Testing SmtpSend
Jonathan Pryor
11 Jun 2002 06:29:38 -0400
There are two problems with calling SmtpMail.Send.
First of all, you need to tell `mcs' in what DLL the class exists. You
don't need to do this with `csc' because it provides several default
DLLs that it looks in. Thus, your compile command should be:
mcs -r System.Web.dll send_mail.cs
This will allow your program to compile.
The second problem has been alluded to already: SmtpMail.Send is a work
in progress. Looking at the code, if you attempt to call SmtpMail.Send,
you'll get a `System.NotImplementedException'.
- Jon
On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 03:25, [A]ndy80 - Andrea Grandi wrote:
I'm a new mono user. I'm doing some tests with mono. In particular I'm
trying to use SmtpSend.
When I try to compile this code:
using System;
using System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail;
public class AG_SendMail
public static void Main()
string from = "andy80@ptlug.org";
string to = "andy80@ptlug.org";
string subject = "E-mail inviata da C#";
string body = "<html><body>E-mail inviata da C# - con
SmtpMail.Send(from, to, subject, body);
I get this error:
[shady@piccoli cs]$ mcs send_mail.cs
send_mail.cs(12) error CS0246: Cannot find type `SmtpMail'
Error: Compilation failed
How can I solve this?
Thank you,
~ Piccoli Software
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