[Mono-list] [PATCH] robust mono-handle-d?

Dick Porter dick@ximian.com
08 Jun 2002 08:43:30 +0100

On Fri, 2002-06-07 at 22:28, Dennis Haney wrote:
> Dick> They're called "file descriptors" in Linux :)
> heh, thats the word(s) I was looking for all along ;) Shall I change
> it?  If so it will be after the commit...

Yes please.

> Dick> This change shouldnt go in.  The daemon shouldn't quit if it's
> Dick> still servicing clients, and it should clean up when it does
> Dick> quit.
> assert does not quit (and never has in any implementation I've seen),
> g_assert is implemented as:
> #define g_assert(expr)                  G_STMT_START{           \
>      if (expr) { } else                                         \
>        g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,                                     \
>               G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,                                \
>               "file %s: line %d (%s): assertion failed: (%s)",  \
>               __FILE__,                                         \
>               __LINE__,                                         \
>               __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,                              \
>               #expr);                   }G_STMT_END

In glib, it quits due to the call to g_log() with G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR
severity.  In the standard C library, assert() calls abort().

- Dick