[Mono-list] Contributing
Erik Bagfors
26 Jul 2002 11:45:09 +0200
On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 10:16, Gianandrea Terzi wrote:
> Hi,
> we've plans on building an application using c#
> and we would like to have it portable under linux.
> We saw your project and we would like to contribute
> to the 'Windows.Forms' classes.
> Sadly we're no way Linux developers : we're all very experienced (10
> years or more) under windows so I
> don't know what type of effort we can give...
I'm no expert but I'd like to share my view.
First of all there are three ways to get your program portable.
1) Do like you said above, create winforms for linux
2) Write everything using GTK# and run that on windows as well as linux.
3) Write a new API that uses GTK# on linux and winforms (or other native
widgets) on windows
If you go with 1) you can install GTK# on windows, and develop a
winforms-assembly that's using GTK# as a background. Then use that
under linux. You don't have to work on linux if you don't want. That's
the beauty of it.
Alot of people would like to se winforms for linux.
Erik Bågfors | erik@bagfors.nu
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 733 279 273
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