[Mono-list] .Net App Server
Tom Reilly
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 18:26:55 -0400
I'd like to apologize for starting these J2EE threads, I'm attempting to take them off list.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pavel Tcholakov [mailto:pavel@linux.zonebg.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 5:59 AM
> To: Tom Reilly; 'Miguel de Icaza'
> Cc: Dave Bettin; mono-list@go-mono.com
> Subject: Re: [Mono-list] .Net App Server
> On Thursday 18 July 2002 19:15, Tom Reilly wrote:
> > The market for app servers in 2003 is around 2.5 billion dollars
> > according to IDC so maybe you're right ;-) Of course your
> competition
> > includes the likes of MS, IBM, Sun, and Oracle.
> On the one hand, we've got J2EE and on the other - .NET. Now
> the cool thing is
> Microsoft has already done their marketing for .NET and
> everyone has at least
> heard of it, and all the kids who attended the Microsoft
> Developer Days on
> .NAT and got free books and CD's think it's the best thing
> after sliced
> bread. If a theoretical Mono App Server could deliver on the
> Microsoft
> implementation's shortcomings, I believe the organizations
> backing it stand
> to gain a LOT. If you go and read that discussion on
> theserverside, you will
> see in the forum that the (J2EE) people are mostly
> complaining about the lack
> of choice when it comes to .NET development. You can only
> deploy on Windows,
> which mean only Intel hardware, limited database
> connectivity, only one IDE
> etc etc. An open source Mono App Server running practially
> everywhere would
> make those people reconsider. Even further, the .NET API's aren't yet
> established, which means that if Mono offers a better
> alternative to a badly
> implemented Microsoft idea, people wouldn't be held back by
> compatibility
> concerns.
> > Open source app servers haven't fared so well, corporate IT
> > departments like established companies, consulting and support
> > services and all that (and that's where these companies make most of
> > their money, not on the software licensing). Also, all open source
> > app servers (that I know of) are Java based and never
> managed to reach
> > critical mass (mostly, I believe, because of the lack of a
> first class
> > open source Java VM).
> Sun does provide a first class free-as-in-beer JVM for many
> operating systems,
> plus source code. Furthermore their JCP process is very much
> open to anyone,
> thus IMHO the benefits of open source development are
> available to java
> users. In other words, there is a pretty good JVM out there
> that's free and I
> don't see how that has anything to do with open sourced
> application servers'
> popularity.
> On top of that, a recent survey showed that JBoss is prefered
> by more than 50%
> of interviewed developers - that has to say something?! For me, as an
> individual, if I wanted to learn about J2EE technology, open
> source is the
> only way to go considering commercial J2EE vendors' pricing.
> I can tell you
> for sure that JBoss and Tomcat (for those not in the know,
> Tomcat is the
> Apache J2EE Web container - JSPs/servlets etc.) being used in
> the enterprise
> a lot more than you can imagine. My friends at two very large
> businesses (a
> bank and a medical aid company) have told me they use a
> commercial J2EE (BEA
> or IBM) app server for their core business logic, plus JBoss
> for deployment
> of additional components (not that critical or at branch
> offices for example)
> and development.
> This all proves that the open source app server market is
> there and there's a
> lot of interest in it. If somebody implemented an open source
> .NET app
> server, they could quite successfully ride the wave of
> Microsoft marketing to
> reach those that wouldn't consider Microsoft otherwise.
> Pavel.