[Mono-list] Error while casting a struct to an interface

Jaime Anguiano Olarra jaime@geneura.ugr.es
01 Jul 2002 13:36:31 +0200

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Thanks Ajay!,

I'm sending a file report with code to test it right now.


El lun, 01-07-2002 a las 13:39, Dwivedi , Ajay Kumar escribi=F3:
> > I got a compiler error telling that I cannot convert a struct to an
> > interface through casting. The struct actually implements the=20
> > interface
> > and I try to cast it directly (although the 'as' way doesn't work
> > neither):=20
> >=20
> > ISomeInterface isObject =3D (ISomeInterface) isObject;
> >=20
> This is surely a bug in the Compiler. The interface implementation
> information is not written to the output file for structs.
> For example,
> 	public struct Mystruct: IMyInterface
> 	{
> 	}
> 	public interface IMyInterface
> 	{
> 	}
> The monodis of output file has
>   .class public sequential ansi sealed beforefieldinit Mystruct
>         extends [mscorlib]System.ValueType
> whereas it should also have
> 	implements IMyInterface
> 	Please file a bug report.
> Cheers,
> Ajay
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