[Mono-list] problems with relicensing
Josh Emmons
Tue, 08 Jan 2002 15:13:58 -0500
I think the problem (or one of the problems) is /who/ has the ability to
relicense the code. In this case Ximian can relicense it as it chooses
(it holds the copyrights), but contributors cannot (they have assigned
the copyrights to Ximian).
As you (miguel) point out, this is not new. This is done by AOL/TW, et
al. and if I had the choice of putting my rights in the hands of AOL or
Ximian, well, you all would win every time.
But consider the following scenario: I write a lexical parser (let's
say) that I contribute to Mono. I assign the copyright to Ximian. Mono
is Open Source or Free or whatever, so the only freedom I loose by doing
so is the freedom to relicense my lexer. I, or anybody else, can still
modify it and use it in as many different projects as needed.
But what if now Ximian changes the license to "you can only use this
code if you pay Miguel de Icaza two-hundred gorgan-zillian dollars",
which would be in Ximian's rights to do. Could Ximian make this license
change retroactive? Let me be more specific: if Ximian has owned the
copyright to my lexer since version 1.2, can they say that all software
that uses a version of my lexer later than 1.2 (which may be /years/ old
at this point) has to fork over money to Miguel or be sued?
I think that they can (though not that they would).
So then my problem becomes, do I donate my lexer to Ximian, knowing that
/any other/ project I use it in may be put in jeopardy if Ximian
changes the lexer's license, as they have the right to do?
If I didn't have some sort of legal guarantee that Ximian would not make
retroactive changes to my code's license, the only code I would donate
to Ximian would be code that I was sure I was never going to use
anywhere else. That doesn't sound like quality code to me.