[Mono-list] System.TimeZone

Richard Torkar richard.torkar@htu.se
14 Feb 2002 14:21:25 +0100

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On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 14:04, Dwivedi , Ajay Kumar wrote:
> hi all,
> 	Today night I hacked TimeZone.cs which was featured in the
> Not-Implemented Classes. Its almost complete but with a few problems:
** snip ***
> 		Where do I submit the code? I have only HTTP access to
> internet :(

How large is it?
Send it to the list so ppl can review it.

If it's ok someone (Miguel et.al.) will throw it into the cvs :)
Make sure to put your name etc in the comments though!

Ph.D. student
University of Trollh=E4ttan/Uddevalla
Dept. of Informatics and Mathematics
Phone(work):  +46 520 475324
Phone(mobile):+46 706 840845
Fax:          +46 520 475399

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