[Mono-list] XSP error

Gonzalo Paniagua Javier gonzalo@ximian.com
10 Dec 2002 19:49:52 +0100

El mar, 10-12-2002 a las 16:45, Sean Leach escribi�:
> I just installed the latest RPM's for mono 0.17 on Redhat 7.3, downloaded
> the source for xsp-0.2, and did make && make install && cd server/test &&
> mono server.exe
> Went to http://localhost:8080/
> got:
> Error
> System.Web.HttpException: String returned by
> HttpRuntime.GetResourceStringFromResourceManager
> in <0x00085> 00 System.Web.HttpApplication:InitModules ()
> in <0x00057> 00 System.Web.HttpApplication:Startup
> (System.Web.HttpContext,System.Web.HttpApplicationState)
> in <0x00121> 00 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:GetPublicInstance
> (System.Web.HttpContext)
> in <0x000b0> 00 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:GetInstance
> (System.Web.HttpContext)
> in <0x0014a> 00 System.Web.HttpRuntime:InternalExecuteRequest
> (System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest)
> Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Check out that you have this file: ${prefix}/etc/mono/machine.config,
where ${prefix} is the directory where you installed mono runtime.

That file should contain a <system.web> tag with a <httpModules> inside
