[Mono-list] Diff: making machine.config's location variable
Tim Haynes
thaynes@openlinksw.com (Tim Haynes)
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:18:46 +0000
dietmar <dietmar@ximian.com> writes:
> On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 19:03, Tim Haynes wrote:
>> One enhancement we've stumbled upon here is the ability to specify the
>> path to machine.config as an environment variable, overriding (or
>> falling-back to) the location hard-coded into the binary.
>> Patch is attached. A suggested ChangeLog entry would be:
> Why do we need that:
> mono_install_get_config_dir()
> why don't you access the environment variable directly inside:
> ves_icall_System_Configuration_DefaultConfig_get_machine_config_path ?
Hi - potential for future reuse should it be required is the main reason,
along with it seeming like something that should be done in one named lump
instead of inline code.
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