[Mono-list] Making a compiler neutral mono (i.e. CodeWarrior,Visual C++)

Tei 421621@ingta.unizar.es
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:43:04

At 08:18 25/04/02 -0500, you wrote:
>On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 17:47, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
>> > On a related note.  For serious game development using C#
>> > for core code, there needs to be a C# to C compiler that
>> > would allow engine C# code to be compiled to C code that
>> > could be run through the vectorizing and optimizing
>> > compilers for the various platforms.
>> Or you could write your performance critical code in C or assembler. 
>> And P/Invoke it from the higher levels of code that do not need the
>> performance.
>I think of pinvoke as a reuse mechanism more so than an optimization
>mechanism.  Writing a shell that does frequent calls into C libraries
>with pinvoke may produce enough marshaling overhead to marginalize any
>gains you get from the optimized c code.

Then... you can break a game in 2 sides: engine and game-logic. 3D FPS
opengl games like Quake and other work with a VM ( the QuakeC virtual
machine ) for eons with good results. Projects on sourceforge design server
side engines with python and c. This project is called QuakeWorldPython or
something similar.  Whe suggest writting the engine in C, or something
loved, then doing the game-logic in mono, then releasing the game logic as
opensource like Id do with the quake series :D
Others apps (unknom for me) can benefit this architecture

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