[Mono-list] MonoTODO causes CS0647: Error emitting'System.MonoTODOAttribute'

Duncan Mak duncan@ximian.com
24 Apr 2002 11:33:29 -0400

On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 11:10, Gaurav Vaish wrote:
> well,
>     actually is shouldn't be the case. Since, the MonoTOTDO Attribute is
> applicable to all.
>     So, just having it on get/set seems quite super-ficial. I have been using it
> to apply to properties and it works fine. An example of the same would include
> the following.

I don't actually know why this works / doesn't work. The reason I
replied was because sqldan (Dan Morgan) asked the same question on IRC
just a few days ago, and that's the solution we came up. He said it
works, and it sorta make sense...

However, Gaurav, you're right, MonoTODOAttribute.cs reads:

        [AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.All)]
        internal class MonoTODOAttribute : Attribute {

Hmm, I dunno what's going on at all.

Okay, it's time to go to class, ciao!
