[Mono-list] Implementing Windows.Forms (was Re: Windows.Forms on OS X)

Wes Felter wesley@felter.org
19 Apr 2002 15:12:48 -0500

On Thu, 2002-04-18 at 10:37, Brian Crowell wrote:
> > But then there are methods like Control.PreProcessMessage,
> > that seemingly drag in the entire Win32 message system.
> If you can leave it out and still have programs run against those classes
> (except for the rare programs that would need to deal with Win32 API's), I
> say leave it out. If you need the method for Windows forms applications to
> recognize the class, create an empty stub.

So maybe the best thing to do is wait for Windows.Forms apps to be
released and then do whatever is needed to make them run.

Wes Felter - wesley@felter.org - http://felter.org/wesley/