[Mono-list] specifying autoconf 2.13?

Serge serge@wildwestsoftware.com
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 16:43:40 +0300

> It defaults to 2.13 unless you have an AC_PREREQ(2.5x) or something like

It seems that this isn't the case with newer Cygwin.
Under Cygwin usr/bin/autoconf is not GNU autoconf - this is stated in its
documentation (quote: "THIS IS *NOT* GNU autoconf").
I have the same setup as in the original post:
autoconf 2.53-1 - that's the wrapper
autoconf-devel 2.52-4
autoconf-stable 2.13-4

The wrapper (which is not the same autoconf as under Linux) use devel (2.52)
package by default.
This Cygwin wrapper will look for /usr/autotool/devel and
/usr/autotool/stable dirs, and will fail if one of the dirs not found, hence
autoconf detection in mono/autogen.sh will fail if only one package is
installed (either devel or stable). Detection sequence will work however if
AC_PREREQ is found in local .in/.ac files - this also mentioned in

It seems that it wasn't a problem before certain version of Cygwin - if I
remember correctly it worked as you described - 2.13 used by default
and it wasn't necessary to install both packages or specify AC_PREREQ.
But with the above setup, default is 2.52.

However 2.52 works just fine for me, so it's not a very big problem I think.
(I remember though, there was a recommendation on go-mono to use 2.13
because of some problems, is it still true?).
