new Samba license? (was Re: [Mono-list] Samba Implications?)
Dick Porter
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 10:51:05 +0100
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On Sat, Apr 06, 2002 at 03:37:37PM -0700, Michael Torrie wrote:
> A warning here: If the kernel hackers are justified in preventing
> non-GPL kernel modules from being loaded into the Linux kernel (even
> though the kernel is GPL'd but modules haven't been required to be up to
> this point), then Microsoft is also justified in preventing code
> produced under certain licenses from being linked to windows DLLs, and
> preventing GPL'd implementations of this specification. We should as a
> community seriously reconsider the hard line the kernel people are
> taking with this tainted kernel business.
The kernel (last I looked) didn't prevent non-GPL modules loading. The
purpose of the "taint" flag is so that bug reports due to closed
non-debuggable binary-only modules dont waste anyone's time.
The separate issue of preventing non-GPL kernel modules from defining new
syscalls is another matter, but perfectly justified IMHO when that is just
a technique for getting around the GPL.
Anyhow, this thread is getting off-topic for mono-list.
- Dick
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