[Mono-list] Silly question

Ravi Pratap M ravi@ximian.com
06 Apr 2002 13:02:54 -0600

Hi there,

	Yes I see this problem too - exactly the same but it isn't the same on
my laptop system which seems to be fine [RH 7.1, latest XImian GNOME]



On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 02:57, adc wrote:
> I'm sorry this is a bit of a waste of time but it has been bugging me
for a while now. Does anyone else find that the mono website scrolls
incredibly slowly under gecko, both galeon and mozilla?
> It happens throughout the whole of the website not just the front
page. It also happens whether I grab the scroll bar, use the buttons at
the top and bottom of the scroll bar or even if I use the keys.
> I'm using galeon 0.12.1, the mozilla build I have is 0.9.4 with
gecko/20010914 (I rarely actually use mozilla I just tried it on the
mono website to see if it was galeon or gecko).
> Anyway just thought I'd ask as this as been bugging me for a while.
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	Ravi Pratap M                    <ravi@ximian.com>