[Mono-list] Concatenation Bug
Paolo Molaro
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:45:20 +0200
On 04/05/02 Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Alright, I got new DLLs from mono.baselabs.org
> Interestingly, I get *fewer* (and different) errors. Am I still using
> old DLLs? Where could I get recent ones?
> $ mcs HelloWorld.cs
> (process:13374): ** WARNING **: unhandled exception
> System.NullReferenceException: "A null value was found where an object
> instance was required"
> in (unmanaged) System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:getDataChunk ()
> in System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:Save ()
> in Mono.CSharp.CodeGen:Save ()
> in Mono.CSharp.Driver:MainDriver ()
> in Mono.CSharp.Driver:Main ()
Can you try to run it with mint? (mint mcs.exe HelloWorld.cs)
And again make sure you update the runtime from cvs. I made some changes
today in AssemblyBuilder:Save () and it's possible the corlib
from monolabs was built before the changes, but your runtime is
from the current cvs version.
You may checkout the runtime from a few hours ago and use that or
wait until tomorrow's binary build.
> Is there a reason why update DLLs don't come with CVS?
Yes, ever-changing binary packages don't belong in cvs.
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