[Mono-list] Concatenation Bug

Dietmar Maurer dietmar@ximian.com
05 Apr 2002 09:22:10 +0200

Hi Daniel,

The bug was in mono and is now fixed in CVS.

- Dietmar

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 01:47, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Hello,
> I still can't fix the problem.  There is a bug somewhere and I don't think
> that it's been fixed.  I have dowloaded the latest CVS for mono and it
> dind't help.  I built mcs myself and it didn't help.
> Could someone look at my files.  I'm including both the .cs and the .exe
> files.  I'd appreciate it if someone could do any of:
> a.- Try running my .exe file and see if you get the error.
> b.- Try compiling my .cs file and see if you get the error when you run
>     it.
> c.- Do a. and b. under Windows and see if it makes any difference.
> I don't have Windows myself, so I can't try this with the Microsoft SDK.
> For reference, the error I get is:
> $ mono ConcatTest.exe
> (process:20458): ** WARNING **: unhandled exception
> System.OverflowException: "Number overflow"
> in System.String:.ctor ()
> in System.String:Concat ()
> in .TestMoney:Main ()
> I'd greatly appreciate some help.
> Daniel.
> ----

> class Money {
> 	private double Amount;
> 	private string Currency;
> 	public Money(double amount,string currency) {
> 	//public Money(string currency) {
> 		Amount   = amount; 
> 		Currency = currency;
> 	}
> 	public string getCurrency() {
> 		return Currency;
> 	}
> }
> class TestMoney {
> 	public static void Main() {
> 		Money m = new Money(200,"CAD");
> 		//Money m = new Money("CAD");
> 		System.Console.WriteLine("Currency:  " + m.getCurrency());
> 	}
> }