[Mono-list] ECMA compliance

Miguel de Icaza miguel@ximian.com
23 Nov 2001 14:03:01 -0500

> First: I´m sure the original documentation MUST be embedded, or it´ll get 
> out-of-sync very easily. The question here is: can we extend the XML schema 
> to allow for multiple languages in the original documentation? I would like 
> the answer to be yes, so that I could keep english and brazilian portuguese 
> documentation in my sources, like this:

I do not believe that getting out of sync would be a problem for all the
core libraries.  

Remember that we have very or no latitude when it comes to adding new
functionality (after all, we want to be compatible).  This is different
from new code.  For example for the OpenGL bindings, it should be wise
to document them in the source code and the same for those working on
new classes in general.

> /// <summary i18n:lang="EN-US">This method returns the container of a given 
> control</summary>
> /// <i18n:summary lang="PT-BR">Este método retorna o contêiner do controle 
> passado</i18n:summary>
> /// <param name="control" i18n:lang="EN-US">Control in question</param>
> /// <i18n:param name="control" lang="PT-BR">Controle em questão</i18n:param>
> public static Control ContainerFor(Control control)

This really wont work in the same source code.  

It would be impossible to get any work done with 40 translations (that
is the numbers of translations I am counting for the gnome core system).

> Second: We can think of a centralized repository for xml documentation, a 
> kind of cvs interfaced by web services, to control and NOTIFY translators of 
> changes in the original documentation

I would love to see something like this happen.  But before such a
service is developed, I suggest that anyone interested in working on
this looks at the ktranslator and gtranslator programs which are used to
translate text in Unix systems.  They are pretty advanced clients (for
example, they can work with pools of strings from many projects to ease
the translation process).
