[Mono-list] python bindings

Tobias Florek tflorek@web.de
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 11:07:56 +0100

miquel wrote:
> [activestate folk's] basic reasoning is that people use Perl and Python 
mostly for the
> plug-ins and extensions, and those would not be available to a
> Perl/Python environment that just generates IL, so a piece of the
> runtime must be available.
well another solution comes to my mind...
what about c# modules, that can talk to the python (or perl) runtime,
but still compile all that can be compiled (pure python) to IL, then only 
python c extension would rely on such a port (and make i sometimes obsolent)

that would eleminate the problem of a huge runtime (python) always needed for 
a simple "hello world" in python.
and such a port could allow access of python extensions for c# devels.

i think starting a port that translates from IL to python would need a 
suitable component model, accepted both, by python and mono.
but mono currently lacks such a component interface (i think), so an 
IL-generating python compiler would be a nice start...

btw: as com+ replacement i suggest using dcop, cause it 
a) has nice python bindings
b) can easily be ported using this hacked kdoc (automatically create bindings 
of the newest kde version, by only calling kdoc)
c) rocks!
d) would let mono gain many kde developers, who cant think about mono now due 
to ximian/gnome


Tobias Florek

< may the source be with you >