[Mono-list] Re: Helping Mono.

Veronica veron78@interfree.it
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 21:13:37 +0100

> Hello,
>    There are a number of ways in which you can help.
>    The area that needs the most help is the class libraries, pick a
> small class, and start implementing it.

Ok , where i can find class libraries references such as interfaces and docs
so i can choose a class to start with?
Moreover how i can sure that the class i choose is not be developed by
someone else?

> You will need to learn C#, but
> it is such a simple language that it should be no problem, specially if
> you have a C++ background.

I also give it a look. To say the true ,  it seems very easy to understand.
However , i have the reference ( C# Reference Guide ) and in my university's
library there's a Ms Press book ( Inside C# )
that i can consult if i need some help.
I have take a look also to SharpDevelop. It's nice a lot! Very good work for
a 2-month project!

>    You might want to start getting one of the daily snapshots of the
> code (http://www.go-mono.com/snapshots).

Already done :)
I'm looking at it now!

> Miguel.

I can do the work with .NET SDK beta 2 or i *need* the Visual Studio.NET RC1
? This is
a very important question that i must know and i need what you all think