[Mono-list] Running .NET
Miguel de Icaza
13 Nov 2001 22:48:21 -0500
> If we have developed a couple of asp.net applications with microsofts visual studio.net ...
> is it then possible to run these applications under linux? (In the future?)
Currently this is not possible.
We hope that in the future it will be made possible. You can accelerate
this process by contributing to the project ;-)
> I read something about c#... what about visual basic.net and c++.net?
> Are we using in the future only c#?
There are two answers to that:
1. Ximian is only developing a C# compiler because we need one, but
other people are working on a VB.NET (Rafael is on the list) and
someone is working on JScript.
2. If you compile your code in Windows with any .NET compiler
chances are that you will be able to run it in Linux in the
future [1]
[1] The only reason why other languages might not be supported out of
the box is because some languages make calls to internal runtime support
functions that we might have not authored yet. But I am sure in the
long run we will get coverage for it.
> So when we develop now some applications with microsofts visual studio.net...
> the best practice is... using the language c#?
I would personally stick to C# because it is a very nice language to
work with. But you can use any language that targets .NET