[Mono-list] Make test

Nick Drochak ndrochak@gol.com
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 13:29:36 +0900

| If you turn off the nowarn:1595 you see that for things which are
| defined twice (say once in MS's System.XML.dll and once in our
| System.Xml.dll), it says it is using MS's definition.  Using /nostdlib
| breaks the compiler.  This is another reason I am trying to get testing
| work on Linux.  If you're csc says something different, or if you have
| any success here I would love to know what you did.

Ah ha.  I thought it was too easy!

However, /nostdlib only prevents linking of mscorlib; that's what I
understand, anyway. I've been trying to play around the /r and /lib to get
System.XML_test.dll to link with /mcs/class/lib/System.XML.dll, but I'm
obviously not doing the rain dance correctly.

Can you help me with that?

Nick D.