Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Random
Michael Lambert
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 14:10:16 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Random
> From: Bob Smith <>
> Date: 27 Jul 2001 13:54:51 -0600
> I've been thinking about the corelib alittle. For portability, should we
> create a C lib as well as the c# lib? The c# lib would compile once and
> run anywhere, while the C lib would be platform spacific. This would
> allow for the random class to use a C random function selectable at
> compile time.
> Everything could use [ DllImport("mono-platform") ] or something like
> that, and then there wouldnt be any problems with which function is
> stored in what library. At compile time, the user could select say,
> --use-c-rand
> --use-linux-rand
> to select different implementations of the c mono-rand() function that
> the random class would use depending on if the user wants speed, or
> needs precision, or whatever.
I like this approach. However, instead of using a custom lib how about we look
at libc/libstdc++ or a specific version there of.
Michael Lambert