[Mono-list] System.Collections.Stack
Garrett Rooney
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 09:02:07 -0400
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Here is my implementation of System.Collections.Stack.
It passes all the tests that I put it through. I'm not positive I did the
thread safe wrapper correctly, so if someone could check that out I would
appreciate it.
Some unit tests will follow as soon as I get a chance to download and install
nunit. By the way, are there any conventions we are planning to use for the
garrett rooney Unix was not designed to stop you from
rooneg@electricjellyfish.net doing stupid things, because that would
http://electricjellyfish.net/ stop you from doing clever things.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Stack.cs"
// -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-
// System.Collections.Stack
// Author:
// Garrett Rooney (rooneg@electricjellyfish.net)
// (C) 2001 Garrett Rooney
namespace System.Collections {
public class Stack : ICollection, IEnumerable, ICloneable {
// properties
private object[] contents;
private int current = -1;
private int count = 0;
private int capacity = 16;
private bool readOnly = false;
private bool synchronized = false;
private void Resize(int ncapacity) {
object[] ncontents = new object[ncapacity];
for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
ncontents[i] = contents[i];
capacity = ncapacity;
contents = ncontents;
public Stack() {
contents = new object[capacity];
public Stack(ICollection collection) {
capacity = collection.Count;
contents = new object[capacity];
current = capacity - 1;
count = capacity;
int i = 0;
foreach (object o in collection) {
contents[i++] = o;
public Stack(int c) {
capacity = c;
contents = new object[capacity];
// The Synchronized version of Stack uses lock(this) to make
// it thread safe. This should be ok, even though we wrap an
// Array, which is a Collection, since there is no way for the
// outside world to get a reference to the Array. If I'm
// wrong about this, then we should change lock(this) to
// lock(contents.SyncRoot).
private class SyncStack : Stack {
public SyncStack(Stack s) {
contents = s.contents;
current = s.current;
count = s.count;
capacity = s.capacity;
readOnly = s.readOnly;
synchronized = true;
public override int Count {
get { lock(this) { return count; } }
public override bool IsReadOnly {
get { lock(this) { return readOnly; } }
public override bool IsSynchronized {
get { lock(this) { return synchronized; } }
public override object SyncRoot {
get { lock(this) { return this; } }
public override void Clear() {
lock(this) { base.Clear(); }
public override object Clone() {
lock (this) { return base.Clone(); }
public override bool Contains(object obj) {
lock (this) { return base.Contains(obj); }
public override void CopyTo(Array array, int index) {
lock (this) { base.CopyTo(array, index); }
// As noted above, this uses lock(this), and if that
// turns out to be unsafe, it should be changed to
// lock(contents.SyncRoot).
private class SyncEnumerator : Enumerator {
internal SyncEnumerator(Stack s) : base(s) {}
public override object Current {
get {
lock (this) {
return base.Current;
public override bool MoveNext() {
lock (this) { return base.MoveNext(); }
public override void Reset() {
lock (this) { base.Reset(); }
public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
lock (this) {
return new SyncEnumerator(this);
public override object Peek() {
lock (this) { return base.Peek(); }
public override object Pop() {
lock (this) { return base.Pop(); }
public override void Push(object obj) {
lock (this) { base.Push(obj); }
public override object[] ToArray() {
lock (this) { return base.ToArray(); }
public static Stack Syncronized(Stack s) {
if (s == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException();
return new SyncStack(s);
public virtual int Count {
get { return count; }
public virtual bool IsReadOnly {
get { return readOnly; }
public virtual bool IsSynchronized {
get { return synchronized; }
// If using this for the SyncRoot is unsafe, we should use
// contents.SyncRoot instead. I think this is ok though.
public virtual object SyncRoot {
get { return this; }
public virtual void Clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
contents[i] = null;
count = 0;
current = -1;
public virtual object Clone() {
Stack stack;
if (synchronized == false) {
stack = new Stack();
stack.current = current;
stack.contents = contents;
stack.count = count;
stack.capacity = capacity;
stack.readOnly = readOnly;
stack.synchronized = synchronized;
} else {
stack = new SyncStack(this);
return stack;
public virtual bool Contains(object obj) {
if (count == 0)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (contents[i].Equals(obj))
return true;
return false;
public virtual void CopyTo (Array array, int index) {
if (array == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (index < 0) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (array.Rank > 1 ||
index >= array.Length ||
count > array.Length - index) {
throw new ArgumentException();
for (int i = current; i != -1; i--) {
count - (i + 1) + index);
// I made several methods of this class virtual, so that they
// could be overriden by a thread safe version of the
// Enumerator for use by SyncStack. I don't know if MS does
// that in their implimentation, but it seemed like one should
// reasonably be able to expect a thread safe Collection to
// return a thread safe Enumerator. If this is a problem, it
// could be ripped out. Realistically speaking, I doubt if
// many people would ever notice if the Enumerator was thread
// safe, as I cannot concieve of a situation where an
// Enumerator would be accessed by more than one thread.
private class Enumerator : IEnumerator {
private Array contents;
private int current;
private int count;
private int begin;
internal Enumerator(Stack s) {
// this is odd. it seems that you need to
// start one further ahead than current, since
// MoveNext() gets called first when using an
// Enumeration...
begin = s.current + 1;
current = begin;
count = s.count;
contents = (Array) s.contents.Clone();
public virtual object Current {
get {
if (current == -1 || current > count)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return contents.GetValue(current);
public virtual bool MoveNext() {
if (current == -1) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (current == -1) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public virtual void Reset() {
// start one ahead of stack.current, so the
// first MoveNext() will put us at the top
current = begin;
public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator() {
return new Enumerator(this);
public virtual object Peek() {
if (current == -1) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
} else {
return contents[current];
public virtual object Pop() {
if (current == -1) {
throw new InvalidOperationException();
} else {
object ret = contents[current];
return ret;
// FIXME: We should probably be a bit smarter about our
// resizing. After a certain point, doubling isn't that smart.
// We just need to find out what that point is...
public virtual void Push(Object o) {
if (capacity == count) {
Resize(capacity * 2);
contents[current] = o;
public virtual object[] ToArray() {
object[] ret = new object[count];
Array.Copy(contents, ret, count);
// ret needs to be in LIFO order
return ret;