[Mono-list] VB Language (was: I want to get in on this.)

Bob Salita Bob_Salita@SoftworksLtd.com
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 22:29:48 -0500

>Jay wrote:
>These cases were all where someone had a product that needed to work with 
>and needed a parser, not where the actual procuct was a parser or a 
>itself (although Visual Parse++ is another example of the latter, it comes
>with a Visual Basic parser, it just isn't a major feature).

Again, I thank you for an interesting pointer (Visual Parser++). I 
downloaded the trial verison. Looks interesting, and so far, looks polished. 
I'll give it a test run over the next few days.

To clarify our discussion, you note that some people need a yacc-like parser 
for use in VB. Some people have written a yacc-like parser for use in VB. I 
noted that the ad in VBPJ was for services related to parsing of VB syntax. 
Which would be relevant to the subject line of this email. So a 3rd party VB 
syntax parser really does exist.

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