[Mono-docs-list] Extending the start-use-contribute bar.

Valentin Sawadski valentin.sawadski at gmx.de
Fri May 25 10:48:12 EDT 2007


in my previous mail to the list (concerning the new version of the use page) I 
mentioned something about a new placement for the Support-Section in my "New 
Version Of the Use-Page" article.

In my opinion such an important topic as support should be placed on a very 
top level clearly visible to all the visitors of the page.

Therefore I would like to extend the "Start-Use-Contribute" bar to the 

"Start-Use-contribute-need help?"

Where need help contains not only a reference to the mailing lists but also 
covers cases like "Where do I find this or that in the wiki?" (I was thinking 
of a small sitemap or faq which shows how the wiki is structured)

Any comments on that?

Kind Regards,
Valentin Sawadski

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