[Mono-docs-list] Re: msdn-browser/monodoc intergration

Miguel de Icaza miguel at ximian.com
Thu Sep 29 22:32:19 EDT 2005


> IMHO, this is a silly argument. First, we should not give our users
> stubs for documentation because they might fill in the stubs. Second, if
> a user is inspired to fill in the stubs, the first thing he is going to
> need to do is to find the msdn docs for the same method so that he can
> get some idea of what it does. So why not make this process easier, by
> providing them a usable interface (IE, a treeview that doesn't suck in
> firefox)?

We are giving them stubs, because stubs are better than nothing, at
least you get an idea of what is available, the types of the arguments
and the return values.

Sure, it would be best to have full documentation, but this is not bad.
Its a graphical "monop", which as Visual Studio has shown, it is useful
to have *anyways*.

Now, if we can go from there to contributions, that is even better.

We as a project need to produce a full stack of open documentation, and
our tools reflect this need and that is why we have a Wiki-like setup.  

Your tool is already available, feel free to improve it, but it is
merely an improved online browser, it is not an offline browser and it
is not encouraging our community to use the Wiki feature to create real
open documentation.

As for convenience, its hard to beat Google for finding an API
*anyways*, so people will resort to the Web anyways.


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