[Mono-docs-list] [PATCH] Monodoc. Fix rendering of masteroverview
for monodocer output
Mario Sopena
mario.sopena at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 11:04:03 EDT 2005
I don't know if someone has noticed that the master overview of
the docs produced by monodocer (and loaded via the --edit command)
doesn't show at all. Also, the link at the home page for that content
is broken.
This patch fix those issues, although the master overview showed is
just a list of namespaces (without summary or remmarks).
Any comments before submitting?
-------------- next part --------------
Index: engine/provider.cs
--- engine/provider.cs (revision 51172)
+++ engine/provider.cs (working copy)
@@ -895,7 +895,9 @@
foreach (string path in UncompiledHelpSources) {
EcmaUncompiledHelpSource hs = new EcmaUncompiledHelpSource(path);
root.help_sources.Add (hs);
- Node hsn = root.CreateNode(hs.Name, "extra-help-source-" + hs.Name);
+ string epath = "extra-help-source-" + hs.Name;
+ Node hsn = root.CreateNode (hs.Name, "root:/" + epath);
+ root.name_to_hs [epath] = hs;
hsn.EnsureNodes ();
foreach (Node n in hs.Tree.Nodes){
hsn.AddNode (n);
Index: engine/ecma-provider.cs
--- engine/ecma-provider.cs (revision 51172)
+++ engine/ecma-provider.cs (working copy)
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@
return Htmlize(ecma_xml, null);
- static string Htmlize (IXPathNavigable ecma_xml, XsltArgumentList args)
+ public static string Htmlize (IXPathNavigable ecma_xml, XsltArgumentList args)
EnsureTransform ();
@@ -1842,7 +1842,32 @@
public override string GetText (string url, out Node match_node) {
if (url == "root:") {
match_node = null;
- return null;
+ //load index.xml
+ XmlDocument index = new XmlDocument ();
+ index.Load (Path.Combine (basedir.FullName, "index.xml"));
+ XmlNodeList nodes = index.SelectNodes ("/Overview/Types/Namespace");
+ //recreate masteroverview.xml
+ XmlDocument summary = new XmlDocument ();
+ XmlElement elements = summary.CreateElement ("elements");
+ foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) {
+ XmlElement ns = summary.CreateElement ("namespace");
+ XmlAttribute attr = summary.CreateAttribute ("ns");
+ attr.Value = node.Attributes["Name"].Value;
+ ns.Attributes.Append (attr);
+ elements.AppendChild (ns);
+ }
+ summary.AppendChild (elements);
+ XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (summary.OuterXml));
+ //transform the recently created masteroverview.xml
+ XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList();
+ args.AddExtensionObject("monodoc://extensions", ExtObject);
+ args.AddParam("show", "", "masteroverview");
+ string s = EcmaHelpSource.Htmlize(new XPathDocument (reader), args);
+ return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, s);
return base.GetText(url, out match_node);
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