[Mono-docs-list] Problems with monodocer

Rodolfo Campero rodolfocampero@hotmail.com
Sat, 08 May 2004 12:02:43 -0300


I'm having some trouble with monodocer.exe. 
When I try to generate documentation stubs for my library, I get this:

$ mono --debug /usr/bin/monodocer.exe --stub --assembly my.dll --dest

** (/usr/bin/monodocer.exe:14826): WARNING **: Symbol file
/usr/lib/mscorlib.dll is not a mono symbol file

** (/usr/bin/monodocer.exe:14826): WARNING **: Symbol file
/usr/bin/monodocer.exe is not a mono symbol file
System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object
instance was required.
in <0x00109> Stub:DoStubAssembly (string,string)
in <0x00247> Stub:Main (string[])

Files: 0, Members Added: 0, Members Deleted: 0

I see two problems here:

1) A problem related to mono symbol files. I saw a post in
(http://lists.ximian.com/archives/public/mono-devel-list/2004-February/003924.html) in which it is said that this is related to endianess issues, but in my case I have an i586 arch.

2) The problem with monodocer itself.

Any help, hints or pointers regarding any of this issues will be

