[Mono-docs-list] Monodoc layout loading patch

Peter Williams peter@newton.cx
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 01:03:26 -0400


On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 00:27, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Today this is already allowed;   Why is this change necessary?
> Maybe there is a miss-communication somewhere, but the idea was that
> anyone could hook up into the "various" node, so am unsure what is broken.
> Miguel.

Well, you can plug into the 'various' node directly (I admit that fact
didn't sink in before), but you lose the ability to organize within that
level, and some doc sources don't make sense without a custom toplevel
node. For instance, if I have:

  <source provider="monohb" basefile="mbuild-devguide" path="various"/>

as my source, I get:

+ Various
    DiaCanvas libraries
  + NUnit Libraries
    Mono Debugger
    Command-line Client

all merged together. With the patch, I define a node in the source file
and get:

+ Various
    DiaCanvas libraries
  + NUnit Libraries
    Mono Debugger
  + MBuild Developer's Guide
        Command-line Client

And I could organize the Developer's Guide and the API docs under a
common MBuild node if I wanted, etc.


Peter Williams                          peter@newton.cx

"[Ninjas] are cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet."
                              -- REAL Ultimate Power