[Mono-docs-list] (no subject)

binhara binhara@redexsol.com
Wed, 03 Sep 2003 19:46:48 -0300

Em Qua, 2003-09-03 �s 16:20, Johannes Roith escreveu:
> Hello binhara!
Hello .. 
> Hello, everybody!

> I'm very happy to see this happen and want to line out and discuss how
> this in particular and translation in general should be done.

I very happy to,...
I m very surprise with the acception of brazilian 
comunity on Mono Brasil Project.. 
Many peaplo resgister on web site and send e-mail to
help mono project.

And i talk with  Johannes,  because I receive mail 
emails talking about Mono Hand book.  Asking for .. 
how can help to translate a Mono Hand Book.

I like intruduce here the first voluntiers

Rivaldo - ricardo_rivaldo@uol.com.br
Gustavo Pinto de Oliveira gustavo@computercom.com.br
Roberto Santacroce Martins bobbym@uol.com.br
Ricardo Guimar�es.. 

Is a little group but i think thats enought to start..

The ideia is make a workplan..for this
and we will have a surport of Ricardo Guimares
he is a lead of LDP-BR (Brazilian Linux Documentation Project)
he has  some experience in porjects of internacinalization.. 

After we have a workplan, definede task, objectives 
and a lead for a project.. we will call more a brasilian
voluntiers to join on a project ..


 Um Forte Abra�o
 Alessandro de O. Binhara
 Diretor T�cnico REDE SOL
 Coord. GU OpenSystem Sucesu-PR
  ____  _____ ____  _____   ____   ___  _     | binhara@redexsol.com
 |  _ \| ____|  _ \| ____| / ___| / _ \| |    | binhara@yahoo.com
 | |_) |  _| | | | |  _|   \___ \| | | | |    | (0xx41) 3019-3354
 |  _ <| |___| |_| | |___   ___) | |_| | |___ | ICQ  #12369354
 |_| \_\_____|____/|_____| |____/ \___/|_____|| LinuxUser #118255
    REDE DE EXCEL�NCIA EM SOFTWARE LIVRE      | Curitiba, PR - Brasil

 www.redexsol.com / www.prsucesu.org.br / www.softwarelivre.org.br