[Mono-docs-list] Problem viewing class members documentation
from class members page
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
Sun, 12 Oct 2003 12:49:33 +0200
> I've just applied this patch to the version that is running in the
> server. Is it ok to commit this change?
I'm reviewing the documentation from the server, and now it's working
but some things :) ( that probably are already known ) :
1. If i make click in the treeview in Class library i see the page
Master Overview, now if i
try to see anything from this page an empty page will be shown.
2. Members page is working better, but for example if in the
CharEnumerator members page i
try to see documentation for System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
member an empty page
will be shown.
3. I'm seeing that the constructors members page have the same
problem as the members page.
Best regards
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
"Todos somos muy ignorantes. Lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos las
mismas cosas."
Albert Einstein.