[Mono-docs-list] Monodoc web browser patch
Fawad Halim
Thu, 09 Oct 2003 16:55:59 -0500
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Attached is a tiny patch to the monodoc web browser. It's an effort
to mimic the behavior of MSDN library docs, i.e. each doc gets a unique
URL and that gets rendered in the frameset.
* index.aspx is a replacement of index.html: If passed any arguments on
the querystring, they are passed on to the content frame in it's
frameset. If no arguments are passed, it loads the root document like
* monodoc.ashx.diff: Diff against the monodoc handler in CVS. I've added
3 lines in the javascript for the tlink: handler that uses index.aspx to
put itself in the frameset. For example, if we browse to
http://localhost:8080/monodoc.ashx?tlink=6@N%3ASystem in a new window,
it loads http://localhost:8080/index.aspx?tlink=6@N%3ASystem with
http://localhost:8080/monodoc.ashx?tlink=6@N%3ASystem in the contents frame.
TODO: Get the navigation tree to open up to the selected element.
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Index: monodoc.ashx
RCS file: /mono/monodoc/browser/web/monodoc.ashx,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -r1.18 monodoc.ashx
> if (top.location == document.location)
> {
> top.location.href = 'index.aspx'+document.location.search;
> }
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<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Specialized" %>
<title>Mono Documentation</title>
<script language="c#" runat="server">
// Get the path to be shown in the content fram
string getContentFrame()
// Docs get shown from monodoc.ashx
string monodocUrl="monodoc.ashx";
string defaultParams="?link=root:";
NameValueCollection qStringParams=Request.QueryString;
// If no querystring params, show root link
// else, build query for the content frame
string nQueryString=monodocUrl+"?";
foreach(string key in qStringParams)
return nQueryString;
<frameset cols="20%,80%">
<frame src="monodoc.ashx?tree=boot">
<frame src="<% =getContentFrame() %>" name="content">