[Mono-docs-list] Monodoc type lookups

John Luke jluke@cfl.rr.com
19 May 2003 15:27:33 -0400


There seems to be a discrepency between
and monodoc/browser/NOTES in cvs.

The wiki states:
T: for types, example: (T:System.Byte)
M: for method, example: (M:System.String.Substring(int,int))
P: for properties, example: (P:System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain)
C: for constructors, example: (C:System.String(char []))

the NOTES file:
T: for types
M: for methods
F: for fields
E: for events
N: for namespaces

I would like to update one or the other (or both) with the correct
information if someone will tell me which ones will be supported (all?).

John Luke