AW: [Mono-docs-list] Handbook Xhtmlified
Miguel de Icaza
16 May 2003 14:51:49 -0400
> > > The copyright div at the end should problably also removed.
> > > (only in the monodoc browser, of course)
> >
> > I think the copyright should stay, or maybe stay as a link to a page
> > with credits.
> I also think the copyright should stay, but change into a link to a
> credits page instead...
> I've made the relevant tweaks to remove the navbar on the fly - we'll
> have to see how it affects every-day performance later.
> So the 2 problems I have at the moment are:
> 1) I haven't looked at the GtkHTML API at all yet, so I've no idea how
> easy/impossible it will be to redirect the loading of css files, images
> etc., to monodoc-packed files. I assume the gtkhtml might have hooks
> that I can use to load images from the packed zip file rather than
> letting the gtkhtml widget handle it. However, I could find no API docs
> for GtkHTML and haven't stared at the API/code yet. Miguel, any
> clues/pointers?
> 2) I updated to mono 0.24 today and now monodoc crashes when I click on
> a second tree node, with this message:
> Unhandled Exception: System.ObjectDisposedException: The object was used
> after being disposed
> in <0x00089> 00 System.IO.FileStream:Seek (long,System.IO.SeekOrigin)
> in <0x0009e> 00 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile:CheckLocalHeader
> (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry)
> in <0x0016b> 00 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipFile:GetInputStream
> (ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.ZipEntry)
> in [0x00036] (at /home/lee/source/tools/monodoc/browser/provider.cs:399)
> 00 .HelpSource:GetHelpStream (string)
> in [0x00045] (at
> /home/lee/source/tools/monodoc/browser/xhtml-provider.cs:112) 00
> .XhtmlHelpSource:GetTextFromUrl (string)
> in [0x0002b] (at
> /home/lee/source/tools/monodoc/browser/xhtml-provider.cs:59) 00
> .XhtmlHelpSource:GetText (string,Node&)
> in [0x00084] (at /home/lee/source/tools/monodoc/browser/browser.cs:421)
> 00 .TreeBrowser:RowActivated (object,System.EventArgs)
> in <0x00063> 01 System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_object_EventArgs
> (object,System.EventArgs)
> in <0x0015a> 00 GtkSharp.voidObjectSignal:voidObjectCallback
> (intptr,int)
> in <0x00030> 05 GtkSharp.voidObjectSignal:voidObjectCallback
> (intptr,int)
> in (unmanaged) 06 Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
> in <0x00004> 06 Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
> in <0x0000a> 00 Gtk.Application:Run ()
> in [0x000b4] (at /home/lee/source/tools/monodoc/browser/browser.cs:62)
> 00 .Browser:Main (string[])
> I haven't done a cvs up on monodoc yet, but has anyone experienced
> anything similar?
> Sorry this is a bit rushed- I'm a bit pushed for time atm but really
> want to make progress with this provider.
I am sure I fixed that bugin our class libraries.
Basically, someone was closing a stream that they did not own it (in
You might have an old and stale ICSharpCode library around.