[Mono-docs-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] MonkeyGuide?: Hello World in GNOME.NET - Second Draft

Mike Kestner mkestner@speakeasy.net
16 Feb 2003 01:10:04 -0600

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Hi Charles,

On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 18:50, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:

> This second draft changes the use of the term "GNOME#" to
> "GNOME.NET".  Contains some mirror corrections and various
> modifications.  Adds an explanation of the "HelloWorld, third try"
> example code.  Adds a "HelloWorld, fourth try" and "HelloWorld, fifth
> try" section.  And has some other additions.

Thanks for the s/#/.Net/g.  :) I told you I'd provide feedback on your
first draft and dropped the ball.  Sorry about that. Thanks again for
working on this documentation. 

Now for the comments. First a general comment.  If you try to do a "this
is how to write object-oriented programs by splitting things up into
classes and separate files" type of document, you're going to end up
with a monstrously long document that anyone who's read a C# or Java
book is going to find redundant.

That said, here's my back-seat driver, "this is how I would structure
this document if I were writing it" feedback. :)

First Pass:  just like your first try.  Focus on Programs and App
windows.  That's a nice high level overview of the main loop and the
toplevel window for a GNOME.Net app.

Second pass:  I would combine your second and third try apps into one,
but restructure it as displayed in the attached file.

Things to highlight would be the subclassing of Gnome.App, which is a
more meaningful example in that it implements the DeleteEvent handler on
the Object that exposes DeleteEvent. Obviously, the implementation of
DeleteEventHandler, and the handling of the RetVal in delete_event are
other points of focus.  

I don't think anything is really gained by subclassing Gnome.Program.
The only reason I can think of to subclass Program in an application
would be to add complex or lengthy argument handling.

4th and 5th tries as I indicated above would go away, since they aren't
really specific to programming in GNOME.Net. If you wanted to go beyond
the second pass example, I would suggest doing something like packing an
Entry, Label, and Button into an App window such that when the button is
clicked, the Label is updated to: "Hello <contents of Entry>, welcome to
GNOME.Net.  That's not really GNOME specific though, and is probably
better suited for an extended Gtk# example.

Mike Kestner <mkestner@speakeasy.net>

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namespace GNOMEdotNetSamples {

	using Gnome;
	using GtkSharp;

	public class HelloWorld {

		public static void Main (string[] argv)
			Program prog = new Program ("Hello World", "1.0", Modules.UI, argv);
			App win = new MainWindow (prog);
			win.Show ();
			prog.Run ();

	public class MainWindow : App {

		Program prog;

		public MainWindow (Program prog) : base ("Hello World", "Hello World")
			this.prog = prog;
			DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event);

		private void delete_event (object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
			prog.Quit ();
			args.RetVal = true;
