[Mono-docs-list] Some of GTk# doc ( Window.xml )
Carlos Alberto Cortez
18 Feb 2003 18:48:58 -0600
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Hello there:
I've been writing some documentation of the Window class ( in Window.xlm
). And before going further, I want you to check my work ... and see if
everything goes ok.
/* The definition of myself */
using Cortez;
using GeniusIntelligence;
public class Carlos : Human, IGenius, ILinuxUser {
static void Main () {
static string PHON : 2 34 31 63
static string NICKNAME : Zero
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? window.diff
Index: Window.xml
RCS file: /cvs/public/gtk-sharp/doc/en/Gtk/Window.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 Window.xml
--- Window.xml 15 Feb 2003 03:08:15 -0000 1.2
+++ Window.xml 19 Feb 2003 00:36:05 -0000
@@ -461,10 +461,20 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"height" Type=3D"System.Int32" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Sets the default size of an object, with the specified wi=
dth and height arguments.</summary>
<param name=3D"width">To be added: an object of type 'int'</param>
<param name=3D"height">To be added: an object of type 'int'</param=
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ It is used for setting the default size an object will have. The first =
+ int width, defines the default width of the object ( in pixels ). A sim=
ilar situation
+ happens with the second argument, int height.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ It only affects the initial size of the Window, so the user can resizes=
it. If the
+ Window is hidden and re-shown, it will remmeber the size it had before =
get hidding.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"Present">
@@ -518,9 +528,13 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"position" Type=3D"Gtk.WindowPosition" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Sets the position for a Window, based on the Gtk.WindowPo=
sition position argument.</summary>
<param name=3D"position">To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.Windo=
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ Is is used for placing the Window in some area, depending on the Gtk.Wi=
ndowPosition position argument.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"AddAccelGroup">
@@ -605,10 +619,16 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"type" Type=3D"Gtk.WindowType" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Creates a new Window object, based on the Gtk.WindowType =
type argument.</summary>
<param name=3D"type">To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.WindowTyp=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.Window'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ Creates a new Window object, wich can be of type TopLevel ( most of the=
cases )
+ or PopUp. Take care with the use of PopUp type, since it is not control=
led by the window
+ manager.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D".ctor">
@@ -630,10 +650,16 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"title" Type=3D"System.String" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Creates a new TopLevel Window object, with the specified =
string argument as the title.</summary>
<param name=3D"title">To be added: an object of type 'string'</par=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.Window'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ Creates a new TopLevel Window object, using the string title argument t=
o specify the Window title.
+ You get the same if you use the public Window ( Gtk.WindowType type ) c=
onstructor and later
+ set the string Title property.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"DefaultIconList">
@@ -858,10 +884,19 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"value" Type=3D"System.Boolean" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Sets if a Window will be decorated or not ( borderless ).=
<param name=3D"value">To be added: an object of type 'bool'</param=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'bool'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ With this property you control if a window will be decorated or not.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ By default, windows are decorated with a title bar and resize controls.=
Some window managers
+ allow to disable these decorations, creating a borderless Window. If yo=
u set this property as false,
+ Gtk# will try to convince the window manager not to decorate the Window=
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"Resizable">
@@ -874,10 +909,15 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"value" Type=3D"System.Boolean" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Sets if a Window will be resizable by the user or not.</s=
<param name=3D"value">To be added: an object of type 'bool'</param=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'bool'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ By default, windows are resizable, so you can change the size of them. =
But if you set this property
+ to false, the user won't be able to change the size of them.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"WindowPosition">
@@ -890,10 +930,15 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"value" Type=3D"Gtk.WindowPosition" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Property used for setting/getting the window position.</s=
<param name=3D"value">To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.WindowPo=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'Gtk.WindowPosition'</retu=
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <p>
+ This property will alow you to define where a Window must be displayed =
on the screen.
+ It work with the Gtk.WindowPosition enum, soy maybe you should check it=
before use it.
+ </p>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"DefaultHeight">
@@ -906,10 +951,16 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"value" Type=3D"System.Int32" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Property used for defining the default height of a window=
<param name=3D"value">To be added: an object of type 'int'</param>
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'int'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This property will allow you to define the default height for your Wind=
+ It only define the default one, so if the Window is resized, it won't b=
e able to do
+ anything.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"DestroyWithParent">
@@ -970,10 +1021,18 @@
<Parameter Name=3D"value" Type=3D"System.String" />
- <summary>To be added</summary>
+ <summary>Property used for setting the Window Title.</summary>
<param name=3D"value">To be added: an object of type 'string'</par=
<returns>To be added: an object of type 'string'</returns>
- <remarks>To be added</remarks>
+ <remarks>
+ <para>
+ This property will allow you to set the Window Title. The Title of a wi=
+ will be displayed in its title bar. Since the title bar is rendered by =
the window managers on
+ X Window System, the way it appears will depend on the user preferences=
. This title should help
+ the users to distinguish a window from others opened. A good title will=
have the application name
+ an the actual document, for example.
+ </para>
+ </remarks>
<Member MemberName=3D"Type">
@@ -1097,4 +1156,4 @@
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