[Mono-docs-list] MyTextEntry, code source

Alvaro A. Ramirez alramire@syr.edu
21 Apr 2003 20:52:21 -0400

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Taking a bit of inspiration from Andrés, I did the example found in
http://go-mono.com/tutorial/html/en/gnome/bindings/gtk-sharp/containerpaned.html which had C code. To tell you the truth, I do not know if someone was already working on this. If some one is, my apologies. I needed to learn it anyway, so it was not in vain :) Let me know if this is good for the tutorial. Files are attached. 




On Mon, 2003-04-21 at 05:49, Andrés Sáyago wrote:
> Miguel and people!
> I'm new here and I'm new in the Mono world. I want to colaborate for 
> this excelente project. My first colaboration is this code attachment, a 
> conversion of the Entry in Gtk to Gtk#. The original code was taken from 
> the official manual:
> http://go-mono.com/tutorial/html/en/gnome/bindings/gtk-sharp/misctextentries.html
> Please, my Eglish isn't perfect. But I receive suggests!
> Andrés Sáyago
> -------
> Hola Miguel. Este es mi primer aporte a Mono, una conversión del 
> programa que usa el widget Entry en Gtk para ser usado en Gtk#. Usé el 
> códido original del manual que se encuentra en:
> http://go-mono.com/tutorial/html/en/gnome/bindings/gtk-sharp/misctextentries.html
> Mi Inglés no es perfecto pero recibo sugerencias y agradezco correciones 
> al texto. Me sentiría muy orgulloso y animado si incluyen mi aporte y 
> los créditos en la página que Johannes Roith y Alejandro Sánchez Acosta 
> tienen publicada.
> Espero comentarios!
> Portal GNU ColombiaLinux
> http://www.ColombiaLinux.org
> asath@ColombiaLinux.org
> Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
> Bucaramanga, Colombia
> Tel: (57-7)6454994 Móvil: 3157632295
> ______________________________________________________________________
> // MyTextEntry.cs - GTK# Tutorial example
> //
> // Authors: Andrés Sáyago
> //          asath@ColombiaLinux.org
> //
> // (C) 2003 Andrés Sáyago
> // Colombia
> //
> namespace GtkSharpTutorial
> {
>   using Gtk;
>   using GtkSharp;
>   using System;
>   public class textEntrySample
>   {
>     // The entry_toggle_* functions use it
>     static Entry entry;
>     static void enter_callback(object obj, EventArgs args)
>     {
>       string entry_text = ((Entry) obj).Text;
>       Console.WriteLine("Entry contents: " + entry_text);
>     }
>     static void entry_toggle_editable(object obj, EventArgs args)
>     {
>       entry.Editable = ((CheckButton) obj).Active;
>     }
>     static void entry_toggle_visibility(object obj, EventArgs args)
>     {
>       entry.Visible = ((CheckButton) obj).Active;
>     }
>     static void window_destroy(object obj, DeleteEventArgs args)
>     {
>       Application.Quit();
>     }
>     static void button_close(object obj, EventArgs args)
>     {
>       Application.Quit();
>     }
>     // Function for the Widgets building
>     static void create_text_entry()
>     {
>       Window window;
>       VBox vbox;
>       HBox hbox;
>       Button button;
>       CheckButton check;
>       int tmp_pos;
>       // Create a new window
>       window = new Window (WindowType.Toplevel);
>       window.SetDefaultSize(200, 100);
>       window.Title = "GTK Entry";
>       window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler(window_destroy);
>       vbox = new VBox(false, 0);
>       window.Add(vbox);
>       vbox.Show();
>       // Box to enter text
>       entry = new Entry();
>       entry.MaxLength = 50;
>       // When the Enter key is pressed, print a message to the console
>       entry.Activated += new EventHandler(enter_callback);
>       entry.Text = "hello";
>       tmp_pos = entry.Text.Length;
>       // Demostration of the 'InsertText' function (-1 is at end)
>       entry.InsertText(" world", -1, out tmp_pos);
>       // Text selected
>       entry.SelectRegion(0, entry.Text.Length);
>       vbox.PackStart(entry, true, true, 0);
>       entry.Show();
>       hbox = new HBox(false, 0);
>       vbox.Add(hbox);
>       hbox.Show();
>       check = new CheckButton("Editable");
>       hbox.PackStart(check, true, true, 0);
>       check.Toggled += new EventHandler(entry_toggle_editable);
>       check.Active = true;
>       check.Show();
>       check = new CheckButton("Visible");
>       hbox.PackStart(check, true, true, 0);
>       check.Toggled += new EventHandler(entry_toggle_visibility);
>       check.Active = true;
>       check.Show();
>       button = Button.NewFromStock(Gtk.Stock.Close);
>       button.Clicked += new EventHandler(button_close);
>       vbox.PackStart(button, true, true, 0);
>       button.CanDefault = true;
>       button.GrabDefault();
>       button.Show();
>       window.Show();
>     }
>     // Main function
>     public static void Main(string[] args)
>     {
>       Application.Init ();
>       create_text_entry();
>       Application.Run ();
>     }
>   }
> }

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Makefile
Content-Type: text/x-makefile; name=Makefile; charset=ISO-8859-15
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# Paned Window Makefile
all_assemblies=-r glib-sharp.dll -r pango-sharp.dll -r atk-sharp.dll -r gdk-sharp.dll -r gtk-sharp.dll -r System.Drawing -r art-sharp.dll -r gnome-sharp.dll 

paned.exe: paned.cs
	$(MCS) -o paned.exe $(all_assemblies) paned.cs

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=paned.cs
Content-Type: text/plain; name=paned.cs; charset=ISO-8859-15
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// paned.cs - Gtk# Tutorial example
// Author: Alvaro Ramirez 
// (c) 2002 Alvaro Ramirez 

namespace GtkSharpTutorial

using System;
using Gtk;
using GtkSharp;
using GLib;

class PanedMain 

	static Gtk.ScrolledWindow CreatList()
		//Declare scroll window and tree view along with all necessary
		//to control th tree view  
		Gtk.ScrolledWindow ScrWindow;
		Gtk.TreeView MyTree;
		Gtk.ListStore store;
		Gtk.TreeIter iter;
		Gtk.CellRenderer cell;
		Gtk.TreeViewColumn column;

		//Create scrolled window and format it
		ScrWindow = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow();
		//Create ListStore to be used in tree view
		store= new Gtk.ListStore((int)TypeFundamentals.TypeString);

		//Create treeview and format it
		MyTree=new TreeView(store);
		MyTree.HeadersVisible = true;
		MyTree.HeadersClickable = false;	
		MyTree.EnableSearch = false;
		//Add treeview to scrolled window

		//Create column for treeview
    		column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
    		//Create cell renderer for column
		cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
    		//Format column
		column.Title = "Messages";
		column.PackStart (cell, true);
		column.AddAttribute (cell, "text", 0);
		//Add column to treeview
		MyTree.AppendColumn (column);

		//populate treevie
		iter = new TreeIter();
		for(int i = 0;i<10;i++)
			GLib.Value value = new Value("Message "+i.ToString());
			store.Append(out iter);
		return ScrWindow;	

	static Gtk.ScrolledWindow CreateText()

		//Declare scroll window and TextView along with all necessary
		//to control the TextView  
		Gtk.ScrolledWindow ScrWindow;
		Gtk.TextView TextArea;
		Gtk.TextBuffer buffer;

		//Create scrolled window and format it
		ScrWindow = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(null,null);

		//Create text buffer use to store text in textview
		buffer=new Gtk.TextBuffer(new Gtk.TextTagTable ());
		//Set buffer text		
		buffer.Text="From:  JustLinux Forums Mailer <webmaster@justlinux.com> \n"+
			"To:  alramire@syr.edu \n"+
			"Subject:  Reply to post Screen Shots......Just Because \n"+
			"Date:  Fri, 18 Apr 2003 19:43:16 GMT \n"	+
			"Hello tucolino, \n"+
			"hecresper has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Screen Shots.... \n";

		//Create textview
		TextArea=new Gtk.TextView();
		//Add previous text buffer to textview
		//format textview

		//Add textview to scrolled window


		return ScrWindow;

	static public int  Main (string[] args)

		Application.Init ();

		Window window = new Window ("Paned Window");
		window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_event);

		//Format main window
		//create VPaned widget (vertical)
		VPaned vpaned1 = new VPaned();
		//Add top and bottom widgets. Last two arguments are resize and shrink (bool)
		window.Add (vpaned1);
		Application.Run ();
		return 0;

	static void delete_event (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args)
	    	Application.Quit ();

	static void QuitApp (object obj, EventArgs args)
		Application.Quit ();


