[Mono-dev] add_internal_call with int32[]

Jonathan Mitchell lists at mugginsoft.com
Mon Apr 30 15:54:16 UTC 2018

> On 30 Apr 2018, at 16:17, pierre <pierre.saunier at ppmodeler.com> wrote:
> Yes, this is working... 
> but how can I do If I have an int32_t array in the embedder (on a linux64 system for example, where int is mapped to int64_t)?
> or the opposite, If I have an int64_t array in the embedder (on a windows64 system where int is mapped to int32_t)?

The embedded signatures use C# type names as opposed to the .NET framework type names.

So in one of my macOS 64bit Objective-C methods I have:

		Managed method name : Sum
		Managed return type : System.Int64
		Managed param types : System.Int64[]
    - (int64_t)sum_withInt64Array:(System_Array *)p1
		MonoObject *monoObject = [self invokeMonoMethod:"Sum(long[])" withNumArgs:1, [p1 monoRTInvokeArg]]; // defined in Dubrovnik see below
		return DB_UNBOX_INT64(monoObject);

#define DB_UNBOX_INT64( x ) ( *(int64_t *)mono_object_unbox( x ) )

To me it seems that 64 bits managed maps to 64 bits unmanaged quite naturally.
If it didn’t all hell would break loose in my case.
Of course Mono runs on a ton of different platforms so things may be different in other situations.

The Dubrovnik unit tests demonstrate calling a number of more complex method signatures.


> On 30/04/2018 17:10, Jonathan Mitchell wrote:
>> Try
>> mono_add_internal_call("testObj::mono_testObj_fromInts(object,int[])", mono_testObj_fromInts);
>> It’s very handy to have some utility code to iterate over a managed class and dump out the native method signatures.
>> It can save a lot of time when you have complex signatures.
>> Jonathan
>>> On 30 Apr 2018, at 16:05, pierre <pierre.saunier at ppmodeler.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am having trouble with the following code:
>>>   [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
>>>     static extern private void mono_testObj_fromInts(object testObj, Int32[] from);
>>>   public void fromInts(Int32[] from)
>>>   {
>>>     mono_testObj_fromInts(this, (Int32[])from);
>>>   }
>>> and in the embedder:
>>> mono_add_internal_call("testObj::mono_testObj_fromInts(object,int32[])", mono_testObj_fromInts);
>>> when run, I got the error:
>>> An exception was thrown when calling Script:Main: (System.MissingMethodException) Attempted to access a missing method.
>>> StackTrace:
>>>   at (wrapper managed-to-native) testObj.mono_testObj_fromInts(object,int[])
>>> of course, if I change the mono_add_internal_call to use int[] it is working... but, if I do that, and if I have understood properly, on some systems, int is mapped to int32_t and on other to int64_t. 
>>> How can I make the mono_add_internal_call to work with int or int32 or int64?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pierre
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